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Members' Opinion Polls

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Who would make the best dominatrix?
Catherine Aiken  38%
Emily Booker  22%
Honey Duan  16%
Anna McCreadie  6%
Rachel Munro  9%
Pia Schaefer  0%
Sarah Taylor  0%
Bron  9%
Total: 32 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Flintoff: Could you? Have you?
I have drunk as much as Flintoff is reported to have done in one session.  5%
I have not drunk as much in one session as Flintoff did.  33%
I have not drunk as much in one session as Flintoff did - but I plan to try.  48%
I have not drunk as much as Flintoff did in my life.  14%
Total: 21 members' votes
What will the final score be in the Ashes?
England's score first.
3-1  18%
2-1  41%
2-2  23%
1-1  0%
1-2  0%
1-3  0%
5-0  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (1 comment...)
The stuff of nightmares
Many people have bad dreams. Some people dream about rowing. Sometimes people have bad dreams about rowing. But which of these thoughts is most likely to have you waking up in a cold sweat?

Dreaming about...
being bumped by LMBC  48%
losing to Oxford  36%
forgetting the lifejacket while coxing in bumps  4%
being moved to the three seat  28%
last 30 seconds of a 2k erg test  40%
being single at the bop  20%
an alcohol ban at Formal Hall  16%
a worldwide shortage of malt loaf  32%
being fastest non-qualifier at HRR  12%
only having 7 riggers in Putney  20%
Dan and Rich's anti-chafing measures  40%
Total: 25 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What training techniques/aids do you normally use?
Most of the below are used by professional athletes to keep up with the competition. Which are most used at First and Third?

N.B. to select an option you should use it regularly - so buying lucozade occasionally from the lard cupboard doesn't count for Sports drink.
Sports drinks  41%
Vitamin/mineral supplements  22%
Protein supplements  7%
Heart rate monitor  48%
Training diary  44%
Stretching sessions  59%
Core stability work outs  63%
Alexander technique training  4%
Visualisation  15%
Other specialised training technique(s) - elaborate below  0%
None of the above  15%
Total: 27 members' votes   (3 comments...)

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