First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 272 to 276 of 282
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What's the best bit about Lent term rowing?
It's cold  66%
It's wet  52%
Everyone's ill  48%
Some days it never really gets light  69%
It's windy  62%
Head of the Nene  52%
The river's in flood  59%
All your kit is always wet  55%
Bumps is before the end of term and the next fortnight's a bit of an anti-climax  38%
Total: 29 members' votes   (18 comments...)
I have never....
been swimming in the Cam  68%
worn a boat club thong  29%
been sculling  79%
been sculling inside the boathouse  18%
liked salad  82%
quiched  56%
eaten quiche  74%
slept atbh  32%
slept in St John's  21%
owned a rabbit which was not alive  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (13 comments...)
Who would win a First and Third Committee version of Pop Idol?
Although I doubt Simon Cowell would approve...
Dan  4%
Aileen  0%
Andrew L-C  83%
Tom C  0%
Honey  0%
Chris  0%
David  0%
Abbie  0%
Alla  0%
Danae  0%
Jo  0%
Tom S  0%
Andrew F  4%
Rachel  9%
Matt  0%
Iain E  0%
Total: 23 members' votes   (11 comments...)
Which new features would you most like to see on the website?
We all love our website, but what would make it better and get that all important hit-count up?
Expanded technique guide with video clips  47%
Online games  26%
Java mobile phone downloads (e.g. rate watch)  26%
Rowing-based trading game (cf Bumpsdaq)  44%
Updatable incest chart  65%
Kit ordering  59%
More rower career stats/comparison  38%
Nice photos of the committee  15%
Total: 34 members' votes   (10 comments...)
Which pairing will be the scandal at this term's BCD/Bop?
Carnage as usual, but who will hit it off?
Rupert + Little Jenners  29%
Henners + one of his 'targets'  24%
Danae + Tom + Alla + Eton Boy  57%
Matt Byrne + novice  14%
Rachel + LMBC  24%
Zoe + Phil  5%
Stone + Miss Johnson  14%
Claire + a coach  5%
Total: 21 members' votes   (33 comments...)

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