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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: In 1902, the Master of Trinity Hall died during the May Bumps and Trinity Hall did not wish to race for the last two nights. 1st Trinity were behind them and arranged to row past the Hall starting post the third night, and allow the Hall to row past the 1st TBC post the following night, thus enabling the Hall boat to retain its place on the river without racing. If a similar thing happened now, would you do the same? 

In 1902, the Master of Trinity Hall died during the May Bumps and Trinity Hall did not wish to race for the last two nights. 1st Trinity were behind them and arranged to row past the Hall starting post the third night, and allow the Hall to row past the 1st TBC post the following night, thus enabling the Hall boat to retain its place on the river without racing. If a similar thing happened now, would you do the same?
Yes  75%
No  25%
Total: 20 members' votes
by mjb - Tue 25th Aug 2009, 9:42pm
Simon said: In 1902 ...
Depends on who's in front ...
by Rich - Wed 26th Aug 2009, 11:17am
Simon said: In 1902...
I'd be surprised if a crew refused to row because of the death of their college Master - there isn't much of a personal link there these days. So I wouldn't let them retain their place for that. I'd do it for the death of somebody in the boat club though.
by JDT - Mon 31st Aug 2009, 11:38pm
Aw, that's pretty sweet though, isn't it? On both sides.