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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Oympic Grandstand 

Oympic Grandstand
China is in a different timezone to the UK, so events will be largely through the night (including the swimming finals, moved to the morning to suit US tv. How will you get your fix?
I do not intend to watch any of the Olympics  0%
I shall hear about it on Radio 5  0%
I'll watch the prime time evening highlights  11%
I'll stay up for the bits I'm interested in  44%
I'm going to live on Chinese time for the duration  44%
Total: 9 members' votes
by Martin P - Fri 1st Aug 2008, 8:17am
A small bug in the site has resulted in this poll being kicked off early - apologies to Simon who hadn't actually finished writing it. Sorry Simon.
by Martin P - Fri 1st Aug 2008, 4:53pm
Martin P said: A small bug in the site has resulted in this poll being kicked off early - apologies to Simon who hadn't actually finished writing it. Sorry Simon.
Apparently the poll is as intended - except for the typo! Please go ahead and vote, we'll try and get the L inserted at some point..!