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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: The hype starts here 

The hype starts here
It seems you can't have a game of football these days without a load of OTT build-up. We're having a game of football, how can we best hype it up?
Just a note on the blackboard @GG on the day of the game  5%
Special section of this website  14%
Kick off is moved to accommodate tv schedules - debate over whether the organisers have sold out  23%
Richard Keys of SkySports calls it 'the most important game of football that's ever been played'  5%
Speaking before the game, Neil Talbott is quoted as saying the following when asked about Bryn 'But I'll tell ya - you can tell him now if you're watching it - we're still fighting for this title, and he's got to go to Cramner Road and get something, and.  5%
Graham Fisher breaks a metatarsal next week, leading to speculation regarding his participation in the game  18%
This poll is quite enough thank you.  32%
Total: 22 members' votes
by dw229 - Mon 22nd Jan 2007, 12:57am
Simon said: It seems you can't have a game of football these days without a load of OTT build-up. We're having a game of football, how can we best hype it up?
Just a note on the blackboard @GG on the day of the game: 0%
Special section of this website: 0%
Kick off is moved to accommodate tv schedules - debate over whether the organisers have sold out: 0%
Richard Keys of SkySports calls it 'the most important game of football that's ever been played': 0%
Speaking before the game, Neil Talbott is quoted as saying the following when asked about Bryn 'But I'll tell ya - you can tell him now if you're watching it - we're still fighting for this title, and he's got to go to Cramner Road and get something, and.: 100%
Graham Fisher breaks a metatarsal next week, leading to speculation regarding his participation in the game: 0%
This poll is quite enough thank you.: 0%
It needs a superlative title...

How about "Powerful Patrick's Day"
by Misquoted - Mon 22nd Jan 2007, 12:57am
Speaking before the game, Neil Talbott is quoted as saying the following when asked about Bryn 'But I'll tell ya - you can tell him now if you're watching it - we're still fighting for this title, and he's got to go to Cramner Road and get something, and.'
Sounds unlikely. I would never misspell (or mispronounce) the hallowed turf that is CraNMer Road.

But I would love it, LOVE IT, if we beat them now...