We have a lot of new boats in need of names. Two new eights, two new sculls, the Light Four and the Coastal Four. Either pick your favourites from the options below (one for each boat), or suggest another.
Have you ever been injured whilst training for rowing?
People are always getting injured. It's something that happens a lot and always seems to be at exactly the wrong time. An injured squad member can lose a crew a race (or their replacement win a race...), and it's always devastating to take time out when the club's doing really well.
No, never, I'm an undergrad - you have to be over 20 to start worrying about injuries, right?!
No, never, I warm up properly, warm down properly, miss sessions if I feel ill and always look after myself - my body is a temple!
Yes, I've been injured, but I rowed through the pain/broken ankle (and won the Fairbairns, in my single scull)
Yes, I got injured, but went to the sports injury clinic (Mon, Wed, Fri mornings drop-in clinic at Addenbrooke's physio dept) and they sorted me out
Yes, I rowed through it and made it much worse, I really f**ked myself over for the sake of a couple of minor events and subsequently missed some important races
I routinely get admitted to hospital/row whilst on crutches/train against specific doctor's orders/am called Neil Talbott
I am/was a triallist and we have a squad physio to sort out injuries and everything!
Many FaTties will be training away from the Cam at the moment. Hopefully they are all using respectable kit, but let's make sure....
Dark blue (with or without a gold band)
Black with a dark blue tip and a gold cat and buns
Cambridge blue
Total: 11 members' votes
Are you addicted to rowing?
Many of us find there are times in our lives when rowing becomes a little more important than other things. But are you addicted? Use this well known questionaire to guage your addiction.
Score one or more? You ought to think about Rowers Anonymous...
I feel that I ought to cut down
I get annoyed when people suggest I should cut down
I feel guilty because of the amount I row
I need an early morning eye-opener session just to survive
It's on the warm side at the moment (no doubt by the time you read this it will be raining though) - which of these are part of your strategy for beating the heat?
I don't feel it
I feel it but can we stop all this nambypammby worrying about it
My place of work has air conditioning so ha ha ha ha ha!
I love it and am sunbathing everyday right now
I just take my tie off/dress down
I carry water and/or a fan everywhere
I am carrying ice bricks with me
I'm lounging in front of the tv with the curtains drawn
It's a bit cooler on the river so am spending more time rowing
What's the most beautiful piece of sport you've ever seen (live)?
*Liu Xiang broke Colin Jackson's 13-year-old 110m hurdles world record this week. That World Championship-winning run of 12.91 from CJ was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in sport. What's your favourite - not the most important or dramatic, but simply the most beautiful? (Ideally you should have watched it live for it to count.)
Now that the Mays are over, May week has just happened, and FaT aren't rowing at Henley (again...), there is plenty of time to revive those vices that you gave up whilst training. Which of them makes you feel most guilty about your hedonistic lifestyle and the way you are treating your finely tuned body?
The CUCBC captains have agreed to change the rules for bumps so that a bump will be awarded before Grassy if the bow ball passes the cox. Which of these is nearest to your view?
It's the right solution to carnage in the gut
There is a problem but this isn't the solution: bigger fines for late acknowledgement would be better
There is a problem but this isn't the solution: banning coxes or somehow penalising offending crews would be better
There is a problem but my solution below would be better
There is not a problem, this is a change which panders to the 'Safety is the 1st Priority' brigade
Bow balls are for wimps.
Total: 29 members' votes
Should the Grads row in those really, really, nasty looking yellowey-orange too-tight tops again?
Here's a picture of last year's crew in all their glory.
Yes! It's incredible sexy, and I would wear it in Cindies.
The electronic flag on the CUCBC website may well override/replace the physical flag at Goldie in the near future. It'll be accessible by internet or WAP. Given that the internet isn't yet available in the boat house, will we still be able to find out what colour the flag is?
I have a WAP phone and I'm not afraid to use it!
I think I have a WAP phone but I don't know how it works
Rich and Dan have rowed across the Atlantic and are surely deserving a well-earned break. But once they've rested and feel like doing something extreme again, which of these events or teams should they compete in/for?
As requested a couple of weeks ago in the Deal or No Deal poll.
Total: 26 members' votes
What is your greatest fear when rowing on the Thames?
I believe all of these have been encountered by FaT / CU members at some point (with the possible exception of the CowboyNeal option). Which one gives you most nightmares?
When should we schedule the pre-Boat Race pub crawl?
Recent years have seen members of First & Third and Black Prince tour the 10 pubs that overlook the Championship course on one of the days before the Boat Race. There are several possible dates for this in 2006, each with pros and cons. Which should go in the diary?
Saturday 25 March (pro: day of the men's 8s Head so more people than usual in London, with some working up a thirst. Race is at 11:30 so enough drinking time afterwards - just. And no work tomorrow. Con: Lots of other rowers getting in the way)
Sunday 26 March (pro: nothing else going on that day. Con: work the next day, plus will people still be in SW London after watching the race yesterday?)
Saturday 1 April (pro: eve of Boat Race, lie-in tomorrow. Con: clashes with Henley races - Henley lacks sufficient pubs to replicate crawl.)
Sunday 2 April (pro: day of boat race, so lots of people there. Race is late afternoon so could be a crawl with Race in the middle, and bonus pints at the boat club bars. Con: lots of people in SW London. Work the next day.)
Who fills your stocking; Father Christmas, or Santa Claus?
What do you reckon the guy in red with the white beard and the reindeer and the sleigh who comes down the chimney and eats the mince pies and sherry is called?
After how much rowing would you have classified yourself a boatie rather than just a rower?
Are you in a boatie relationship? Do you spend more than two hours a day at the boathouse? Have you ever worn lycra for anything except rowing? Are more than fifty percent of your friends rowers? Do you arrive (late) at lectures in your splashtop? Come to think of it, do you miss most of your lectures/supervisions because you're still at the boathouse? If the answer to more than two of these questions is yes, you are a boatie. But how long did it take for this addiction to creep up on you?
I was a boatie before I arrived at Trinity
They got me at the Chaplains Squash and it's been downhill ever since
As soon as I'd been tubbing
By midway through my novice term
After I'd done Clare Novices
After novice Fairbairns
Once I'd experienced my first Bumps
Once I'd experienced Bumps, in the warm sunshine, with Pimms afterwards
Macaroni goes with a cheesy sauce. Fusilli goes with a tomatoey sauce. Spaghetti was invented to go with bolognese, and you can't have cannelloni without spinach and ricotta. All of these shapes have their merits, but do they actually taste different from one another?
I have drunk as much as Flintoff is reported to have done in one session.
I have not drunk as much in one session as Flintoff did.
I have not drunk as much in one session as Flintoff did - but I plan to try.
I have not drunk as much as Flintoff did in my life.
Total: 21 members' votes
The stuff of nightmares
Many people have bad dreams. Some people dream about rowing. Sometimes people have bad dreams about rowing. But which of these thoughts is most likely to have you waking up in a cold sweat?
Summer time, and the living certainly isn't easy. Several members of this website are either slogging their guts out in the City on a summer placement, or know what it's like, having done so in the past. What's the point?
I'm gaining a valuable insight into the industry that I want to work for
I'm gaining a valuable insight and I realise it's not an industry I want to work for
I now realise student life is so cushy and I may well do a masters to avoid this for as long as possible
How do people put up with commuting? It sucks
I love commuting... there's a train and it goes underground and everything!
I'm being given interesting work and contributing to the company
I have menial tasks and do not feel valued
They keep taking me out for drinks etc
There are no social activities in the evening because I'm still working
Everything seems so expensive here
I'm not doing an internship because I'm working in the pub at home
I'm not doing an internship because I'd rather have a long summer holiday
The experience I have gained on this internship will look great on my cv
The experience I have gained on this internship will look great on my cv once I've hyped it up a bit
Now I realise why the bufties keep coming up to Cambridge
This week's original poll was a repeat of an earlier poll. Is the poll getting stale? Turn out rates suggest that voter apathy is not a problem. Have the old coffin dodgers who used to contribute run out of ideas? Or have they retired, leaving a void yet to be filled by those still in statu pupillare? The main question again: is the web poll getting stale? Vote and discuss.
The Lents & Mays are quite different experiences through the contrasting weather, number of crews, different spectators, work and social distractions etc... Which do you prefer?
Oxford City
Total: 29 members' votes
At which sport do Black Prince have the best chance of beating FaT (other than rowing)?
Will the 2nd VIII or the women get into the 1st division first?
The women are surely far too low in the rankings, starting 1st in division 2, but after holding off Queens they will be hard pushed to take a fast Darwin crew before the Darwin crew bumps out. The 2nd VIII could also move into the top flight on day one if they can manage the extraordinary and take down Caius II in Div 2 followed by Peterhouse in Div 1 as sandwich boat. Who will do it first?
What should the club have as its 3 letter ARA code?
All clubs soon have to have a 3 letter ARA code for their boats, which is used at eg. the Nat. Champs. and on the Tideway. Currently ours is FTT, but we have an option to change it. What should we have?
A year on from the Cornwall training camp, where I suspect we watched at least 80% of all the Blackadder ever produced, I wonder which episode is most beloved by all? Full scripts can be found here. Feel free to ask
Last year I watched the Boat Race on television, which had the advantage of me being able to see the whole race (although sadly not the Goldie/Isis race), but the disadvantage of missing out on the brilliant atmosphere on the bank. This year, ITV have the television rights, so I'll probably head down to London. What will everyone else be doing?
On Boat Race day, I will be...
On the bank at Hammersmith watching the action live
In a pub along the course
Watching on the big screens
In the launch
Listening on the radio
Watching on television
Supporting Cambridge
Supporting Oxford
Wearing an item of Cambridge Blue clothing
Revising :(
Not watching the boat race, I have better things to do with my time
Rampant boaties - what inter/intra-boatclub carnage have you been involved in?
We've all been to formal hall lots of times. I'm sure most of us have tried it on with an unsuspecting member of the opposition. But with members (past or present) of how many boatclubs have you actually been successful?