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Members' Opinion Polls

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What will the final score be in the Ashes?
England's score first.
3-1  18%
2-1  41%
2-2  23%
1-1  0%
1-2  0%
1-3  0%
5-0  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Summer time, and the living certainly isn't easy. Several members of this website are either slogging their guts out in the City on a summer placement, or know what it's like, having done so in the past. What's the point?
I'm gaining a valuable insight into the industry that I want to work for  29%
I'm gaining a valuable insight and I realise it's not an industry I want to work for  21%
I now realise student life is so cushy and I may well do a masters to avoid this for as long as possible  93%
How do people put up with commuting? It sucks  29%
I love commuting... there's a train and it goes underground and everything!  7%
I'm being given interesting work and contributing to the company  43%
I have menial tasks and do not feel valued  21%
They keep taking me out for drinks etc  43%
There are no social activities in the evening because I'm still working  0%
Everything seems so expensive here  29%
I'm not doing an internship because I'm working in the pub at home  0%
I'm not doing an internship because I'd rather have a long summer holiday  29%
The experience I have gained on this internship will look great on my cv  21%
The experience I have gained on this internship will look great on my cv once I've hyped it up a bit  36%
Now I realise why the bufties keep coming up to Cambridge  64%
Total: 14 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Can you be bothered to vote?
Yes  69%
No  31%
Total: 29 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Is the web poll getting stale?
This week's original poll was a repeat of an earlier poll. Is the poll getting stale? Turn out rates suggest that voter apathy is not a problem. Have the old coffin dodgers who used to contribute run out of ideas? Or have they retired, leaving a void yet to be filled by those still in statu pupillare? The main question again: is the web poll getting stale? Vote and discuss.
Yes  13%
No  87%
Total: 23 members' votes   (24 comments...)
Who is/was the greatest oar of all time?
Abbagnale (brothers, any of them)  0%
Ned Hanlan  0%
Sir Matthew Pinsent  29%
Sir Steve Redgrave  48%
James Tomkins  5%
Rob Waddell  14%
Dreissigacker (brothers, inventors of the ergo)  5%
Total: 21 members' votes   (16 comments...)
Daddy or Chips?
Daddy  23%
Chips  77%
Total: 13 members' votes   (2 comments...)
What next?
After rowing across the Channel, what will the club do next?
Boston Marathon  50%
Great River Race  5%
Record attempt on rowing the length of the Cam/Ouse  5%
Row to Lincoln  5%
Beat BPBC in the Fairbairn Cup  9%
Mays Headship  14%
Successfully enter a 1x into the GoR  14%
Total: 22 members' votes
Your favourite Bumps
The Lents & Mays are quite different experiences through the contrasting weather, number of crews, different spectators, work and social distractions etc... Which do you prefer?
Lents  24%
Mays  76%
Oxford City  0%
Total: 29 members' votes
At which sport do Black Prince have the best chance of beating FaT (other than rowing)?
Cricket  0%
Golf  0%
Triathlon  65%
Atlantic Rowing  92%
Earning More Money  85%
Drinking  35%
Chess  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (18 comments...)
What was your favourite Bumps race report?
Everyone knows that the real purpose of racing is to write a good report afterwards. Which of this year's May Bumps reports was your favourite?
M1 - Describing Maggie as 'hench'  6%
W1 - Haikus and Limericks  10%
M3 - Smiley Mark's blacksmith metaphor  16%
M3 - Christoph's tale of Icarus  13%
W3 - Counting strokes until the bump  3%
M4 - Top Gun quotes  16%
Caius M2 describing FaT M2 - 'I swear they had a rocket launcher on their stern!'  32%
Other  3%
Total: 31 members' votes

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