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Members' Opinion Polls

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Can you be bothered to vote?
Yes  69%
No  31%
Total: 29 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Who is/was the greatest oar of all time?
Abbagnale (brothers, any of them)  0%
Ned Hanlan  0%
Sir Matthew Pinsent  29%
Sir Steve Redgrave  48%
James Tomkins  5%
Rob Waddell  14%
Dreissigacker (brothers, inventors of the ergo)  5%
Total: 21 members' votes   (16 comments...)
At which sport do Black Prince have the best chance of beating FaT (other than rowing)?
Cricket  0%
Golf  0%
Triathlon  65%
Atlantic Rowing  92%
Earning More Money  85%
Drinking  35%
Chess  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (18 comments...)
Daddy or Chips?
Daddy  23%
Chips  77%
Total: 13 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Which of the following will we see first?
I'm sure all of these events will occur at some point in the future, but which will be first?
FaT win Uni M4+  8%
FaT win Uni W4+  8%
FaT actually beats an inferior LMBC in the Uni LM4-  8%
Lents Headship  31%
Mays Headship  0%
Women's Lents Headship  4%
Women back in 1st May Division  31%
BPBC don't win Fairbairns category  8%
RTT drops below 72kg again  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (19 comments...)
What next?
After rowing across the Channel, what will the club do next?
Boston Marathon  50%
Great River Race  5%
Record attempt on rowing the length of the Cam/Ouse  5%
Row to Lincoln  5%
Beat BPBC in the Fairbairn Cup  9%
Mays Headship  14%
Successfully enter a 1x into the GoR  14%
Total: 22 members' votes
Your favourite Bumps
The Lents & Mays are quite different experiences through the contrasting weather, number of crews, different spectators, work and social distractions etc... Which do you prefer?
Lents  24%
Mays  76%
Oxford City  0%
Total: 29 members' votes
What was your favourite Bumps race report?
Everyone knows that the real purpose of racing is to write a good report afterwards. Which of this year's May Bumps reports was your favourite?
M1 - Describing Maggie as 'hench'  6%
W1 - Haikus and Limericks  10%
M3 - Smiley Mark's blacksmith metaphor  16%
M3 - Christoph's tale of Icarus  13%
W3 - Counting strokes until the bump  3%
M4 - Top Gun quotes  16%
Caius M2 describing FaT M2 - 'I swear they had a rocket launcher on their stern!'  32%
Other  3%
Total: 31 members' votes
Which boat performed best in the Bumps?
Not mathematically but achievementally
1st Men  10%
1st Women  10%
2nd Men  77%
2nd Women  0%
3rd Men  0%
3rd Women  0%
4th Men  0%
4th Women  0%
5th Men  0%
Atlantic Prince  3%
Total: 39 members' votes   (11 comments...)
Bumps is all about... or more of the following...
Good technique  20%
Hyper-fitness  20%
Mental strength  58%
Sheer teeth-gritting tenacity  70%
Core stability  13%
Matching kit  40%
Blades  50%
Spoons  15%
Boat damage  30%
The thrill of the chase  55%
Mays dinner  63%
The bop  45%
A pint at the plough in the early evening  18%
M1  35%
W1  25%
Marshalling  5%
Those few seconds of silence before the gun  48%
The weeks of training beforehand  23%
The alcohol bans  13%
The start  48%
The rating  15%
Grassy  18%
The quick bump  28%
The satisfying 'reach' bump  25%
The slow grind and just before the line bump  8%
Hitting Maggie  55%
The stomp  75%
Crew pastas  35%
The race reports  43%
The FaT mobile update system  25%
Being a DU/SU  18%
The callouses  5%
The glory  45%
The pain  45%
Crew showers  15%
Having fun (?!)  40%
Blood, sweat and tears  30%
Total: 40 members' votes   (8 comments...)

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