First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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The Bar Tab Challenge Neil, Wed 15th May, 8:51am
This is a gift - an easy quiz game with £250 up for grabs if we can get into the top 10. There is no limit to the number of players on a team, and all players' scores are added together, so the more the better. To play, email me ( so I can add you to the team list. (14 comments...)
BBC's Test The Nation Phillip Schofield, Mon 13th May, 4:47pm
On Saturday night, 70,000 people joined in the BBC's IQ test. Leaving aside arguments about whether IQ really is a measure of intelligence and about the statistical significance of these results, there are some quite fun findings. Particularly satisfying (for those that are satisfied by that kind of thing) is the high incidence of intelligent people in Cambridge. As a subset of that, how intelligent is your average First And Third rower? The test is still there, so let's find out. For the record, it reckons my IQ is 130...
Lycos Fight Club mjb, Sun 28th Apr, 2:10pm
A two-player fighting game.

"Lycos Fight Club is your break from the monotony of everyday life, your chance to thrash your friends in an online feast of punches, kicks, blocks and special moves.

Personalize your bout with a victory chant and, as the victor, deal that final killer blow with a well-timed spirit-breaking insult."
Saladometer gf, Thu 18th Apr, 11:56am
These boards have gone a bit quiet recently, haven't they? (and not just once people went to Ireland) (14 comments...)
BBC Two logos Simon, Wed 27th Mar, 3:43pm
Maybe out of place on 1&3, but as we mourn the passing of the balloon from BBC 1, here are the BBC 2 logos...

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