First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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First and Third Trinity

Club News & Notices

Club News & Notices 75 to 79 of 128
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19th Feb '05FaT success in regattaby MHS
For full details, go to Results in the left-hand website menu.
16th Feb '05Uncollected kitby KSS
We do not yet have in the splash tops or fleeces however I do have a lot of hoodies, polos, rugby shirts, tech tops, shorts and all-in-ones sitting in my room. If you ordered something last term drop me an email so you can come and pick it up.
27th Jan '05KIT ORDERby KSS
This terms kit order is now online under 'members' and 'kit order'. The strict deadline is Sunday morning, 8am. Orders have to be placed early so that we have a chance of getting the kit by the end of term.

Don't forget that college re-imburse you for most of the cost of your kit!

23rd Jan '05Guest of honourby KSS
Now at least we will have a good female turnout.
22nd Jan '05CLUB FORMALby KSS
Buy tickets Thur 27th for formal on...


All welcome.

Bring a bottle.

Or two. (1 reply...)

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