First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 219 to 223 of 282
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In which boat will the first men race the Lent Bumps?
So far they've taken out BP2 and BP3...
Black Prince 1  31%
Any one of the other Black Princes  6%
A novice shell  17%
A different boat every day  11%
Fair Maid of Kent  36%
Total: 36 members' votes
What constitutes 'cooperation' in the incest chart?
A line == a pull. But what is a pull?
Touching  4%
Kissing  4%
Kissing with tongue (sometimes called 'French kissing', but not by me)  54%
Shagging  11%
Marriage  4%
Mixed double outing  21%
A stroke  4%
Total: 28 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Who do we hate most?
Caius  15%
Downing  53%
LMBC  32%
Total: 34 members' votes   (25 comments...)
What's the highest rate you've ever clocked?
Bonus points for small boats
less than 40  14%
40-45  18%
46-48  32%
49  0%
50  0%
51  0%
52  9%
53  0%
54  5%
55  5%
56+  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (9 comments...)
New Year's Resolutions
This year, I resolve to
train more  73%
train less  3%
win blades  27%
qualify for/row at Henley  27%
take a break from rowing  3%
take up rowing again  23%
do all the stretches my physio tells me to do  37%
wash my kit  40%
spend less time on this website  30%
spend more time on this website  10%
stomp  40%
get a (new) job  33%
smile more  30%
buft  40%
win the fancy dress prize at Cardinals  3%
drink more (alcohol)  17%
drink less (alcohol)  27%
not make any resolutions  10%
Total: 30 members' votes

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