First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

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What's the highest rate you've ever clocked?
Bonus points for small boats
less than 40  14%
40-45  18%
46-48  32%
49  0%
50  0%
51  0%
52  9%
53  0%
54  5%
55  5%
56+  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (9 comments...)
New Year's Resolutions
This year, I resolve to
train more  73%
train less  3%
win blades  27%
qualify for/row at Henley  27%
take a break from rowing  3%
take up rowing again  23%
do all the stretches my physio tells me to do  37%
wash my kit  40%
spend less time on this website  30%
spend more time on this website  10%
stomp  40%
get a (new) job  33%
smile more  30%
buft  40%
win the fancy dress prize at Cardinals  3%
drink more (alcohol)  17%
drink less (alcohol)  27%
not make any resolutions  10%
Total: 30 members' votes
Who delivered more Christmas presents this year ?
Father Christmas  33%
St. Nicholas  6%
Santa Claus  11%
Kriss Kringle  0%
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer  11%
Royal Mail  39%
Total: 18 members' votes
What is your 2k PW?
That's Personal Worst if it's not obvious - only counting pieces you started with the intention of doing a flat out 2k, and discounting any you didn't finish
10:00+  0%
9:40-9:59  0%
9:20-9:39  0%
9:00-9:19  4%
8:50-8:59  4%
8:40-8:49  4%
8:30-8:39  4%
8:20-8:29  7%
8:10-8:19  0%
8:00-8:09  0%
7:50-7:59  7%
7:40-7:49  14%
7:30-7:39  11%
7:20-7:29  4%
7:10-7:19  21%
7:00-7:09  11%
6:50-6:59  7%
6:40-6:49  0%
6:30-6:39  4%
6:20-6:29  0%
6:10-6:19  0%
6:00-6:09  0%
<6:00  0%
Total: 28 members' votes   (29 comments...)
Which of these have you experienced on an ergo?
Following on from our discussion of personal worsts, which of these have you done on an ergo?
Thrown up  48%
Got buttock cramp  72%
Shat your pants (preferable to rowing for LMBC)  4%
Had sex  20%
Passed out  4%
Given up  72%
Total: 25 members' votes   (4 comments...)

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