First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 58 to 62 of 282
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What should be done to protest at the Olympics about the Chinese in Tibet?
Torch protesting has begun, but there are various suggestions about further demonstration. What do you think is appropriate?
Nothing, the Olympics are about sport and should be apolitical  24%
The torch protests make the point well enough  7%
Political leaders should boycott the games  62%
Athletes should boycott the games  3%
Everyone should buy Pepsi to send a consumerist message  3%
Total: 29 members' votes
Is this the best photo yet on the website?
This is the 8,040th photo uploaded onto the site. Is it the best?
Yes  14%
No  86%
Total: 29 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What's your favourite Blondie song?
They might not move a boat very fast, but they knocked out some awesome tunes. These are all on youtube.
X-Offender  0%
Denis  5%
Hanging on the Telephone  14%
Heart of Glass  14%
One Way or Another  14%
Dreaming  0%
Call Me  10%
Atomic  14%
Rapture  0%
Maria  24%
The Tide is High  5%
Total: 21 members' votes
Boat Race
Light Blues  30%
Dark Blues  15%
BPBC  55%
Total: 20 members' votes
Who should be in the Trinity BC football team?
11 men to beat the old boys. I've just taken the mubs list, feel free to suggest others.
Ahmadnia  19%
Braviner  24%
Carr  43%
Hill  14%
Chow  10%
Chung  29%
Coker  43%
Dehabadi  10%
Denby  24%
Dunleavy  33%
Fletcher  33%
Ford  14%
Garcia  19%
Garrod  48%
Gruessing  43%
Jane  52%
Kebschull  19%
Kiely  10%
Laffan  38%
Leadbetter  29%
Lewis  14%
Li  10%
Malmberg  29%
Masset  14%
Mertes  29%
O'Neill  10%
Ostrowski  10%
Preiss  38%
Richardson  10%
Routh  10%
Cunha  33%
Smith  19%
Stoneman  29%
Strawson  48%
Vial  24%
Total: 21 members' votes   (6 comments...)

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