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Search story Simon, Mon 18th Oct, 10:47pm
I'm sure you can all do better...
Rowers attacked by sea lion Charley, Thu 14th Oct, 8:16pm
At least the angry swan never took a chunk out of the boat...
At least we're not as bad as France Neil T, Fri 25th Jun, 8:42pm
Some pre-emptive therapy, just in case Sunday doesn't go to plan...
Suggested improvement to World Cup rules I understand offside, honest, Wed 23rd Jun, 5:00pm
In the 1994 carribean cup Barbados were playing Grenada. Barbados had to win by 2 goals to go through otherwise Grenada would go through. Quirky rules (matches must have an outright winner; sudden death goals counted double) meant that in the final mintues Barbados, realising that they wouldn't score to bring the result to 3-1 instead deliberately scored an own goal to force extra time and sudden death. Grenada, realising what was happening then tried to score an own goal to get the margin back to a one goal win for Barbados. So for the last five minutes of the match, each team was defending their opposition's goal, trying to prevent own goals being scored. Barbados suceeded in forcing extra time and won 4-2 during sudden death. That's even more amusing than watching people in the bar watch England play.
Hitler finds out he didn't win Bumpit BJ, Fri 18th Jun, 11:34am
For those who haven't already seen this on the messageboards, this is brilliant.

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