First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Tideway hazards Simon, Wed 27th Feb, 8:08am
From Rebecca Caroe (of Rob Roy)'s blog: ahead of the Tideway Head season, a useful guide to the Tideway hazards, as drawn by her crew's cox.
Radio 4 programme about rowing Simon, Wed 13th Feb, 8:00am
This will only be available until early evening on 14 Feb, so listen soon. Stuff about what makes a good team, and the boat race, is from about 11 minutes in. A copy has been saved on the desktop of the boathouse computer.
How to crash Simon, Mon 4th Feb, 9:51pm
Reminds me of that Peter Brandt video... (1 comment...)
Rowing commercial Mark, Fri 1st Feb, 10:28pm
Just wondered if M1 would consider doing what these guys do at 1:08 in the film at their next outing...
Heavyweight rowing Mark, Fri 1st Feb, 1:40am

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