First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

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What injury/illness have you trained/raced through?
Real rowers don't listen to their doctors' advice. Which of the following have you refused to prevent you getting in a boat?
Prolapsed disc  4%
Food poisoning  27%
Pulled muscle in arse  4%
(Freshers) 'flu  62%
Hamstring strain/pull  23%
Conjunctivitis  4%
Injury sustained in bike accident while going to the boathouse  23%
Quinsy  4%
Hangover  77%
Blood poisoning from septic blister  8%
Nasty bug picked up from drinking Tideway water  8%
Foot and Mouth  15%
Other (please elaborate below)  42%
Total: 26 members' votes   (16 comments...)
Injuries and illnesses
Most of the following injuries or diseases have prevented members of the Clubs competing at some point. Which is your favourite?
Prolapsed disc  0%
Food poisioning  14%
Pulled muscle in arse  18%
(Freshers) 'flu  5%
Hamstring strain/pull  0%
Conjunctivitis  0%
Injury sustained in bike accident while going to the boathouse  9%
Quinsy  5%
Hangover  14%
Blood poisioning from septic blister  18%
Nasty bug picked up from drinking Tideway water  5%
Foot and Mouth  14%
Total: 22 members' votes   (9 comments...)
How many university medals will be won by FaT this week?
Medals up for grabs in (Men's) Light IVs and Men's and Women's 1st Coxed IVs divisions.
10  0%
14  15%
Total: 27 members' votes
It won't be long before the snow starts to fall and the ski season begins. But which of the below best describes you?
I love skiing  67%
I hate skiing  4%
I hit the slopes every year  41%
I've never been  22%
It costs too much  26%
On my salary I only go for chalets with a sauna and hot tub  7%
Apres rather than ski for me  4%
I hate getting snow down my trousers and falling on my sore arse all the time  4%
My knees are so f**ked I can't ski  11%
I'd be up for a boatie skiing trip!  30%
Total: 27 members' votes
Favourite Bond?
Connery  48%
Lazenby  0%
Moore  4%
Dalton  20%
Brosnan  20%
Craig  4%
Samantha  4%
Total: 25 members' votes   (16 comments...)

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