First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

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Favourite Bond?
Connery  48%
Lazenby  0%
Moore  4%
Dalton  20%
Brosnan  20%
Craig  4%
Samantha  4%
Total: 25 members' votes   (16 comments...)
Have you ever been injured whilst training for rowing?
People are always getting injured. It's something that happens a lot and always seems to be at exactly the wrong time. An injured squad member can lose a crew a race (or their replacement win a race...), and it's always devastating to take time out when the club's doing really well.
No, never, I'm an undergrad - you have to be over 20 to start worrying about injuries, right?!  8%
No, never, I warm up properly, warm down properly, miss sessions if I feel ill and always look after myself - my body is a temple!  8%
Yes, I've been injured, but I rowed through the pain/broken ankle (and won the Fairbairns, in my single scull)  16%
Yes, I got injured, but went to the sports injury clinic (Mon, Wed, Fri mornings drop-in clinic at Addenbrooke's physio dept) and they sorted me out  12%
Yes, I rowed through it and made it much worse, I really f**ked myself over for the sake of a couple of minor events and subsequently missed some important races  16%
I routinely get admitted to hospital/row whilst on crutches/train against specific doctor's orders/am called Neil Talbott  12%
I am/was a triallist and we have a squad physio to sort out injuries and everything!  4%
I'm a cox, training is for wimps  4%
I row for BPBC, training is for wimps  20%
Total: 25 members' votes   (3 comments...)
What is your ARA rowing status?
Sweep oar - assume the crew averages the number of points you have.
Novice  44%
Senior 4  17%
Senior 3  11%
Senior 2  11%
Senior 1  6%
Elite  6%
Veteran  6%
Total: 18 members' votes   (1 comment...)
How did you cope without the First and Third website?
The website went on its annual holiday last week (was it unplugged by a cleaner again?) - what did you do?
I didn't notice because I didn't try to visit while it was down  0%
I got my fill of rowing websites by looking at the Rowing Service, Tideway Slug, etc.  5%
I watched the Mythbuster waterskiing behind an eight video on YouTube  9%
I browsed other websites (non-rowing related)instead  32%
I did some training  23%
I did some work  23%
I joined LMBC  9%
Total: 22 members' votes   (4 comments...)
The ABC and Channel 4 series 'Lost' is approaching its conclusion. Will you be watching avidly, or couldn't you care less?
It's brilliant  18%
It's rubbish  29%
Where am I?  53%
Total: 17 members' votes   (1 comment...)

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