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Members' Opinion Polls

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Ay caramba, it's the World Rowing Championships
The 2006 World Rowing Championships are at Dorney later this month. How will you be involved?
Ignoring  17%
Reading about it online/in newspapers  22%
Watching on TV  33%
Spectating  17%
Spectating every day  0%
Streaking & pitch invading  6%
Volunteering  6%
Competing  0%
Total: 18 members' votes
Favourite ice cream/lolly
Fab  0%
Mini Milk  4%
Solero  4%
Mars Bar Ice cream  8%
Other chocolate bar turned into ice cream  0%
Mivvi  4%
Cornetto  8%
Magnum  15%
Solero  0%
Feast  19%
Calippo  4%
Sparkle  0%
(Tangle) Twister  12%
Fruit Pastilles lolly  8%
Rocket  4%
2l tub of vanilla  12%
Total: 26 members' votes   (4 comments...)
How do you cope in this heat?
It's on the warm side at the moment (no doubt by the time you read this it will be raining though) - which of these are part of your strategy for beating the heat?
I don't feel it  5%
I feel it but can we stop all this nambypammby worrying about it  38%
My place of work has air conditioning so ha ha ha ha ha!  29%
I love it and am sunbathing everyday right now  19%
I just take my tie off/dress down  29%
I carry water and/or a fan everywhere  14%
I am carrying ice bricks with me  5%
I'm lounging in front of the tv with the curtains drawn  19%
It's a bit cooler on the river so am spending more time rowing  19%
Other strategy (below)  19%
Total: 21 members' votes   (11 comments...)
What's your favourite bop song?
We all know the bop represents a distorted view of
The Way - Divine Inspiration  6%
Blue - Eiffel65  0%
Gold - Spandau Ballet  6%
Macarena - Los Del Rio  6%
Saturday Night - Whigfield  17%
Top Gun Theme - Miami Sound Machine  17%
The One and Only - Chesney Hawks  39%
Rupert the Bear Theme - Rupert the Bear  0%
Other (post below)  11%
Total: 18 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Furthest you've made it at Henley?
Never entered  32%
Didn't qualify  14%
Fastest non-qualifier  14%
Wednesday  5%
Thursday pre-5pm  14%
Thursday post-5pm  0%
Friday  5%
Saturday  0%
Sunday but I lost  0%
I've won it  0%
Made it into Stewards  18%
Made third base in Stewards  0%
Total: 22 members' votes   (1 comment...)

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