First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 154 to 158 of 282
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How many training sessions/week have you averaged since the Lents?
A training session must be at least 30 minutes long to count.
ten or more (dedication's what you need)  7%
seven, eight or nine (ahead of the game)  11%
four, five or six (most days, but not if I'm tired)  33%
two or three (some days, and only if it's sunny)  22%
one (just couldn't be arsed, really)  11%
zero (training during holidays is pointless)  15%
Total: 27 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Are you happy to be given unsolicited coaching during outings?
Yes  67%
No  17%
Only if it also involves fisticuffs  17%
Total: 18 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Fastest 2k on a rowing lake?
What is the fastest you have covered 2000m on a still rowing lake?
< 5:30  4%
5:30 - 5:40  0%
5:40 - 5:50  4%
5:50 - 6:00  8%
6:00 - 6:10  8%
6:10 - 6:20  8%
6:20 - 6:30  0%
6:30 - 6:40  8%
6:40 - 6:50  0%
6:50 - 7:00  0%
7:00 - 7:10  4%
7:10 - 7:20  0%
7:20 - 7:30  0%
> 7:30  0%
Never done one  56%
Total: 25 members' votes   (13 comments...)
Best rowing related computer game?
BumpIt  63%
Bumpsdaq 2003  13%
Bumpsdaq 2004/5  4%
Cambridge coxing game  0%
Su-ro  4%
Weight / Height / Boat type adjustment of 2k scores in Excel  0%
Tetris  17%
Total: 24 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Best Lents photo?
Martin has captured some great moments these Lents, but which was the best?
M1 narrowly miss out on the headship - At the railings  10%
W1 bump Jesus in their hardest-earned bump to date - Pushing for the Bump  0%
M2 undertake Downing around Ditton - Substantially overlapping Downing  3%
M3 get the 3rd VIII headship - Bumping LMBC for the 3rd boat Headship!  5%
W2 sink Downing - Downing girls in the water  65%
M4 win their blades - Overjoyed at getting the 4th bump  13%
M5 are the only 5th VIII in the Lents - Racing gets underway at the Foot of the River  5%
Total: 40 members' votes   (2 comments...)

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