First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

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What should the club have as its 3 letter ARA code?
All clubs soon have to have a 3 letter ARA code for their boats, which is used at eg. the Nat. Champs. and on the Tideway. Currently ours is FTT, but we have an option to change it. What should we have?
FTT  7%
FTR (easy to add to existing TR numbers)  0%
CTR (Cambridge, Trinity - similar)  2%
FAT  81%
CAT  0%
BUN  0%
RTT  10%
XXX  0%
Total: 42 members' votes   (18 comments...)
Opinion Poll
If there was a general election tomorrow, for whom would you vote?
Conservative  27%
Green  2%
Labour  7%
Liberal Democrat  46%
a national party in Wales/Scotland/Ireland  2%
Monster Raving Looney  7%
Respect  0%
UKIP  0%
Veritas  0%
Other  0%
Spoil ballot  0%
Deliberate abstention  7%
Don't Know  0%
Total: 41 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Following on from the recent Club Money message board thread, what's your favourite kind of handle?
Wooden (Smooth)  3%
Wooden (Rough)  50%
Plastic  12%
Foam  18%
Synthetic Suede  3%
Messiah  9%
Water Music  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (11 comments...)
Favourite Blackadder Episode?
A year on from the Cornwall training camp, where I suspect we watched at least 80% of all the Blackadder ever produced, I wonder which episode is most beloved by all? Full scripts can be found here. Feel free to ask
1.1: The Foretelling  0%
1.2: The Queen of Spain's Beard  0%
1.3: The Archbishop  5%
1.4: Born to be a King  9%
1.5: The Witchsmeller Pursuivant  0%
1.6: The Black Seal  0%
2.1: Head  0%
2.2: Bell  0%
2.3: Potato  0%
2.4: Money  5%
2.5: Beer  5%
2.6: Chains  9%
3.1: Dish and Dishonesty  0%
3.2: Ink and Incapability  14%
3.3: Nob and Nobility  0%
3.4: Sense and Senility  0%
3.5: Amy and Amiability  0%
3.6: Duel and Duality  5%
4.1: Corporal Punishment  5%
4.2: Captain Cook  0%
4.3: Major Star  0%
4.4: Private Plane  0%
4.5: General Hospital  27%
4.6: Goodbyeee  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Favourite outing type?
UT2  19%
Fartlek  6%
2x19' pyramids  10%
Power water work  16%
3 courses  32%
6 x 3'  3%
6 x 500m  13%
Row to Ely  0%
Swapping blades over  0%
Total: 31 members' votes   (22 comments...)

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