First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 235 to 239 of 282
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Who should the club back as Sports Personality of the Year?
Ben Ainslie  7%
Freddie Flintoff  11%
Kelly Holmes  50%
Amir Khan  4%
Colin Montgomerie  7%
Matthew Pinsent  14%
RTT  7%
Total: 28 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Bowside  45%
Strokeside  45%
Darkside  10%
Total: 29 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Favourite Film Trilogy
Godfather  12%
Lord of the Rings  42%
Back to the Future  15%
Matrix  0%
American Pie  8%
Star Wars (original)  12%
Indiana Jones  8%
Kill Bill  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (44 comments...)
Vote for the Champagne Moment in the BPBCCC FaTBCCC match
(if you can remember!)
Crawford surviving his first ball  38%
Garrod hitting the game's only six  0%
the only Aussie on show (Nigel Kaye) getting the only duck  5%
Lea-Cox winning it for FaT off the last ball of the match  10%
Ingram's sense of humour failure after a dubious lbw decision  38%
Other (state below)  10%
Total: 21 members' votes   (9 comments...)
Which Olympic sport would you like to see in 2008?
Clearly there is a lack of erg games in the current Olympic timetable. Which one would you most like to see there?
10m erg test  35%
One arm lowest split  0%
Feet out highest rating  18%
Arms only 2k  18%
Underwater erging  6%
Armchair erging  6%
Beach erging  12%
Synchronised erging  6%
Total: 17 members' votes   (1 comment...)

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