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6th Feb '04Website Downtimeby ipe
For the forseeable future all email addresses ending will not work. I have been instructed to stop this function by the Computer Office.

The Trinity Computer officers will not allow the website to resume normal service until it can be proved that the group mail lists do not contravene any University rules. I hope to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience (2 replies...)
25th Nov '03The Prince of Walesby DJH
In a very enjoyable ceremony today the Prince of Wales came to college to name our new coxed IV. A large number of current and former boat club members going back to the 1950s turned out for the ceremony.

Peter Brandt, the Boat Club President, opened the ceremony by expressing the clubs delight that the Prince of Wales, a former member of Trinity, took the time to come and name our boat. The Prince responded in kind, and declared the boat be called "The Prince of Wales", pouring champagne over the bows to mark the occasion.

After the ceremony, the Prince of Wales managed to talk to almost everyone present. Including the current Boat Club committee, a host of former captains, and many of the new novice intake. All those who I spoke to after the event were thrilled to have had a chance to meet the Prince, and many strained to make sure they didnt miss out, as evidenced by the marks on Will's hand from holding the rope!

A few pictures have been posted in the photo gallery, and more will be posted soon so keep your eyes peeled.

A special thanks must go out to the Junior Bursar, Porters and Clerk of Works for helping to make the ceremony run so smoothly and get it all set up.
3rd Nov '03Naming Ceremonyby DJH
There will be a boat naming ceremony for the new coxed IV on November 25th. Details to follow but it is likely to be late afternoon in college.
3rd Nov '03New Boatby DJH
Our new coxless pair arrived today, it is currently still in wrappers but will be operational by the end of this week or early next week. We will call the boat Amartya Sen in honour of the Master of College. The official naming ceremony will be later this year at an as yet unspecified date, but hopefully before he leaves!
6th Oct '03Mens Squad Meetingby DJH
For all interested in rowing or coxing this term, including any first year students who have rowed or coxed in the past.

Any questions get in touch with me (djh79).
25th Sep '03Mens Squad Meetingby djh
Could all people interested in rowing for the Mens squad this term, at whatever commitment level, please come to a meeting in E1 GC at 18:00 on Sunday 28 September. I will discuss the training plan and times with you then and arrange sessions for this week. I expect to select the light four later that week and the 1st/2nd coxed fours the week after. I will discuss selection criteria at the meeting. If you cannot attend then it is essential that you get your availabilities for the week to me and that you speak to me as soon after the meeting as possible.
7th Sep '03Mens Squad Meetingby djh
For all those in cambridge wanting to row with the mens squad this coming term (both at a performance and recreational level) there will be a meeting in my room (E1 GC) on Sun 21 September at 19:00. All those in cambridge at that time please come along. If any of you are arriving later that week then email me with your unavailabilities.
19th Apr '03Start of term meetingby AHLF
There will be a meeting in E1 Great Court at 9pm on Monday 21st April for all those interested in a place in either of the top 2 men's VIIIs.
10th Apr '03Men's Training Campby AHLF
The men's pre-term training camp will start with a meeting at 9:00am at the boathouse on Monday 14th April. Simon Knight will be running the camp because I will not be in Cambridge. If you have aspirations towards high boats in the Mays you should make every effort to be there, but everyone is welcome.
3rd Mar '03STCSby RAB
Second Trinity Challenge Sculls website now up and running. Click on the link for more information on the race and how to enter.

Entries close midnight on Friday 7th March and cost £5 (free for members of 1st & 3rd Trinity Boat Club). (5 replies...)

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