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Afterlife Telegrams gf, Mon 25th Nov, 11:38am
The best use for the terminally ill since Bill Hicks' plan for more realistic film stunts...
Smurf name generator Naughty Smurf, Thu 14th Nov, 2:14pm
I'm sick of googlisms.
Shonky or Drongo Sheila Squealer, Thu 7th Nov, 12:49am
As the Ashes get underway, and England hurtle towards yet another humiliating series defeat, find out your Aussie nickname, courtesy of the good ol' BBC.
http://www.googlism.comfrom mike goodson is a volunteer captain with black mountain fire department and works for the state of nc, Sun 3rd Nov, 7:52pm
Another great way to find descriptions of your favourite everyday objects:

what is rowing? rowing is fun. rowing is the best sport on the planet.

what is first and third? first and third is absolutely free. first and third is a tall order but we're more than capable of doing it. first and third is particularly well suited to popular styles where there is usually a bass drum hit on the first beat.

who is martin peck? martin peck is pissed.

who is graham fisher? graham fisher is working up to twenty years experience and is a certified canoe.

who is john earl? john earl is a bit of a pratt. john earl is out on bail this morning. john earl is now deceased. (41 comments...)
Dog Harmonics gf, Thu 31st Oct, 6:12pm
Simple but amusing.

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