The Club's Results

May Bumps 1967

1st men's VIII

1st men's VIII
bow Richard Church 2 Unknown
3 Unknown 4 Unknown
5 Nick Blackford 6 Tony Pooley
7 Unknown str Unknown

Coxed by: Martin Fitzgerald

Rowed over Head
Desmond Hill - Telegraph - Cambridge Wednesday.
It can be said without a shadow of doubt that First and Third Trinity will still be Head of the River on Saturday. When the Mays started here today they immediately opened an enormous gap between themselves and their pursuers and could stroll home. Stroll is perhaps hardly the word, for they tore off 12, 24 and 45 and then took a 10. They were 39 rounding Grassy and a mere 35 in the Long Reach.

Richard Burnell - Times - Cambridge Wednesday.
There can now be little doubt about the outcome of the May Races. First and Third Trinity, immaculate in a dark blue boat to match their singlets, were at least four lengths clear of Lady Margaret, striking 34 at the railway bridge. Pembroke came close to Jesus at first post corner but made heavy weather of finishing them off at Grassy. (Fitz)
The text of reports from the Times and charts from the period 1963 - 1967 can be found here in the Rowing section. (Martin P)
Rowed over Head
Desmond Hill - Telegraph - Cambridge Thursday.
Once more it was First and Third No. 1. and the rest nowhere on the second day of the Mays this afternoon. Again rowing 45 in the first minute they were four lengths clear by Grassy Corner and attention then focussed on the fate of their pursuers, Lady Margaret.

Richard Burnell - Times - Cambridge Thursday.
The second night of the May Races proved something of an anti-climax. Only a decisive bump by Pembroke could have kept any spark of doubt about the headship alive and while Pembroke did duly make their bump on Lady Margaret it was only by slow attrition, half way up the long reach. By that time First and Third Trinity were at a leisurely 33, several lengths ahead of Lady Margaret. (Fitz)
Rowed over Head
Desmond Hill - Telegraph - Cambridge Friday.
First and Third were untroubled by Pembroke today and are a crew well worth watching in the First Division tomorrow(6). Pembroke supporters were shouting 'One length' at Grassy but the gap was nearer four and increasing.

Richard Burnell - Times - Cambridge Friday.
First and Third Trinity again confirmed that they are one of the best college crews of all time on the third day of the May Races at Cambridge last night. Scorching off at 45 they had gained at least two lengths on Pembroke by Grassy Corner and after that cruised safely home. At the finish they had opened up at least six and a half lengths of clear water and could have been in another race. (Fitz)
Rowed over Head
Desmond Hill - Telegraph - Cambridge Saturday.
First and Third Trinity came home alone on the last night of the Cambridge Mays. First and Third are the most impressive college crew I have seen since Lady Margaret in 1949 and was the first cambridge boat to have grasped the implications of "the new rowing", with a pronounced American influence.

Richard Burnell - Times - Cambridge Saturday.
It is a long time since any college showed such superiority as 1st and 3rd Trinity in retaining the headship of the river at Cambridge last week. They were never extended and finished about eight lengths ahead of Pembroke on Saturday.

There is no value in speculating whether Trinity are better than Lady Margaret in 1950, or for that matter Pembroke in 1935. Using different technique, and different equipment, they probably go faster, and they certainly deserve their success. But if they earn a place in rowing history it should be as the first Cambridge crew effectively to adopt the continental techniques which have revolutionized the sport in the past five years. That they have learned this at second hand, from Paul Wilson, a Harvard man, makes it the more remarkable. (Fitz)