The Club's Results

Cambridge Autumn Head, Mich Term 2024

2,600m head race upstream on the River Cam organised by Rob Roy Boat Club
Sat 12th October

At the bottom of this page there is a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

1st men's VIII, M8+ 1st Coll

Fastest College VIII
Time: 9:40
My first ever time medalling for something.
This felt like a very good race, the mentality was the best it has been for a long time. When power was called for it came and we surged out of the corners.
(Andrew Farquharson)
Oh what a beautiful morning!

I may be somewhat biased, and I may have just come from M3, but never before have I rowed in a boat with such cohesive drive, determination and clean technique. We all went all in, and it was really great to see all the hard training over the summer and training week coming to fruition.
(Daniel Edwards-Medic)

1. Part of M1 collectin...

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2nd men's VIII, M8+ 1st Coll

Fastest M2, 4th College VIII
Time: 10:06
We finally beat Jesus M2 and by over a minute. I have personally lost to them on seven different occasions and I can say vengeance is sweet.
(Andrew Farquharson)
A really good second race - despite tiredness from the 3 of us who were rowing after already racing in M1, we were able to put on a really good race. Some really cohesive rowing when we came to Grassy and realised that we had a chance of overtaking Claire M1 (we had overlap at Top Finish from more than 6 lengths behind at the Motorway bridge). Massive shout out to Jeremy, who subbed in at the last minute to the 7 seat to rescue the race! (Daniel Edwards-Medic)
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University IVs M1, College IV+

4th College IV
Time: 11:18
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University IVs W1, College IV+

3rd College W IV
Time: 12:47
Slightly rocky start, but good energy. Great pushes out of the corners, and really let rip down the reach once people started to trust their legs and push together. Emptied the tank beyond the railway bridge and there wasn't much left to give in the last 100m. Great effort from the rowers, boat was moving nicely. Training is paying off. (Alexander Watson)
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