The Club's Results

May Bumps Getting-on Race 2024

The 2000m qualifying race for the May Bumps
Fri 7th June

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3rd women's VIII

Did not get on, 3rd fastest non-qualifier
Time: 9:43
Unfortunately I only got to see them from where I was umpiring on Grassy corner. They rowed well, particularly in light of the fact they had three subs and had never practiced with any of the subs before. Despite a coxbox malfunction on the way up, and Loren needing my socks to stuff in her shoes so they fit, it was a good race. They seem to have had fun and I am very proud of them. Hopefully next year we see a W3 in both Lents and Mays and can build on this year. (Zara Bek)

1. W3 at Marshalling

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