First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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The Club's Results

Lent Term 2024

2nd women's VIII

Winter Head-To-Head (Lower VIIIs)

2nd in Class; 8:13.7 out, 9:19.7 back
Time: 17:33
An awesome start to the year for W2.
We'd had 2 outings together as a crew, one of which was with a sub, and we had borrowed W1's cox for the day, so by W2 standards this was a well prepared boat.

2*2k was an intimidating distance for some of us, and so the focus was to row together and row technically, which we did.

While marshalling for the first race, Bomber nearly fell in the giant muddy hole by the railway bridge. We asked the marshal if we'd get a time advantage for comedy if someone fell in, before Bomber vetoed that idea.

The first race was good. I got to the finish feeling I hadn't pushed enough, but my goal was not to blow up horrifically so I just resolved to fix that on the way home.

On the second race we started winding far too early, and so a tactical crab caused enough of a pause that the second wind up was in the perfect place.
We were punching into a headwind and stream on the way home, and so the increase in effort and power meant we weren't quite as quick as the first.

Charlotte and I were the Bucket Babes for the day, with W2 having inherited Mich W1's panic bucket. We tried to persuade Alex to give us a bucket specific call, and he instead just called '6 and 7' which really wasn't good enough. Unfortunately we've decided to un-panic, and so we're going for a very relaxed stroke rig for the rest of term. RIP Bucket Nov 2023 - Jan 2024

We were in the first division of the day, and so were watching the results page with baited breath to see if we would stay in first.
Unfortunately, Churchill W2 pipped us at the post, with a time 12.2 seconds quicker on the way out, and just 7.4 on the way back to leave a very close finish.

Predictions for Bumps are difficult at this point, however Churchill are far enough away from us that we don't need to worry. Catz and Tit Hall are 3 and 4 places in front of us, and we beat them by 24 seconds, and 1min 20seconds respectively.

Newnham Head this weekend will provide much more data, because the Newnham W3 crew we're chasing have their first race of the term.

Race one was fast. Turns out there was a stream. We caught two overhead crabs. They didn't slow us down much. 

Race two was also surprisingly fast. We did not catch any crabs. We moved well. Alex balanced a hot cross bun on the saxboard for the entire race. I'm tired. And a bit ill.

Onwards to Newnham head. Without the fucking bucket I hope.
(Zara Bek)
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Newnham Head (Lower VIIIs)

Time: 9:21
Bao's phone; Amy's socks: soggy
2 seat hatch: stubborn
Weather: beautiful
Crew: all of the above <3 

(Emma Williams)
An interesting race, we made it to the lock without issue. Upon stepping out of the boat to take a picture of a dog Bao dropped his phone in the cam. As it turns out (after plunging my arm in) my arms are not long enough to reach the bottom of the cam and so it fell to Zara to retrieve the phone with her strangely long arms.

Other than Amy's hatch been completely jammed shut due to crossthreading the rest of marshalling was uneventful (but shoeless).

The crew raced really well and looked good, taking lengths out of Catz M3 - who they were chasing. (3 lengths off at the top of the reach and 1 by the end)  It was coxed well by Bao and with Bomber's favourite call of strokeside pressure he made it around the course in impressive time.

While passing Green Dragon Qingyue learnt she didn't have to row again with W1 as Máté had gracefully stepped in to row with them - a realisation that brought elation.
(Andrew Farquharson)
I got my first experience of Cam water for the term. I have verified that my arms are not in fact longer than Andrew's - he clearly just lacks committment to scraping the bottom of the river. 

Rosie fucked her body up two days before the race, resetting the injury counter to zero days. Lily subbed in but complained that she doesn't do short distance. When a marathon is arranged on the Cam she'll be happy. Ellen also subbed- I thank her for her willingness to row twice in a day 

A positive row for W2 and friends. At some point we'll actually have a full crew.
(Zara Bek)
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Winter League, 2nd leg (College VIIIs)

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