First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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The Club's Results

Marathon Erg, Mich Term 2023

Lily (Time only)

Single sculls
Lily Kearney
2nd (1st in category)
Time: 3:49:38
Note for future: it may be possible to beat one's PB if food is eaten before the race, and over-indulging does not occur the night before.

Mears was unimpressed by my selected playlist. A combination of opera and Byzantine history podcasts is, apparently, not his cup of tea. Let It Go, however, was quite the bop.
The playlist was also well timed. The Winner Takes It All started playing as Thomas finished. He had not realised this was by design.

Thanks also go to the veritable Neil Talbott for the milk that sustained me, and for his excellent advice. Holy Ground was a good recommendation.
(Lily Kearney)
What category? “People whose rowing this term consisted solely of races?” (Thomas Frith)

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