First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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The Club's Results

Cambridge Head-2-Head, May Term 2022

A timed headrace in two parts, length 2x2000m.
Sat 30th April

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1st men's VIII, 1st division

4th in div, 6th overall
Time: 13:40.7
TBC, but TL;DR: We still beat Downing (as we did in Head of the Cam, showing our progress since Lents), LMBC were seat racing and their M2 beat us. Connor (new cox) coxed competently. 6:44.6, 6:56.1 out and back. (Thomas Frith)
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TCADS (Trinity College Assisted Drifting Society), Mays Lower

Time: 16:19.9
Way out 8:08.2 and way back 8:11.7

This was Luke's racing debut coxing M3 and we can safely say both us and the trees are in much better hands than with the death star.

We had to race 2x2k which meant we left something in the tank during the first which was our downfall according to bomber - we shouldn't have been able to walk out of the boat.
(Andrew Farquharson)
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