The Club's Results
Mich Term 2013
Cambridge Autumn Head
Sat 19th October
A 2600m head race upstream, organised by Rob Roy, from the A14 road bridge to the top finish at Chesterton footbridge.
The Autumn Head is the first race of the term on the Cam. Attracting many town and college crews it is a useful form guide for the upcoming University IVs.
Head of the Charles
Sat 19th - Sun 20th October
A high profile head race upstream on the Charles River, Boston-Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
Our old boys club, "Black Prince Boat Club" return to the Head of the Charles for the first time since 2005.
University IVs
Mon 28th October - Fri 1st November
A knockout competition for Cambridge College IVs over 2000m. In a change to the normal format 2013 is the first year that all the events are run over the Colquhoun Sculls course.
The University fours competition. Usually used as a prelude to Fairbairns.
Cambridge Winter Head
Sat 16th November
A timed head race over 2500m, from the Motorway bridge to the Penny Ferry pub.
For senior crews this is the final race preparation for Fairbairns and can be a valuable form guide; for a few novice crews, a chance to try out racing before the upcoming Clare Novice Regatta.
Emma Sprints
Sun 24th November
500m up the reach. Fancy dress and bribery are recommended!
A light-hearted knock-out regatta for novice VIIIs.
Clare Novice Regatta
Thu 28th - Sat 30th November
A side-by-side knock out regatta for Cambridge College novice (beginner) VIIIs
With just a week before Novice Fairbairns, the "Clare Novices" offer all-important race practice and exciting side by side racing. Most college novice VIIIs enter.
Novice Fairbairn Cup
Thu 5th December
A 2700m timed head race on the Cam for Cambridge College novice VIIIs
The main focus for Michaelmas term for all novice crews at Cambridge University.
Fairbairn Cup
Fri 6th December
A 4300m timed head race on the Cam for VIIIs
The main focus of Michaelmas term for all Cambridge college senior crews.
Fairbairn Cup - IVs
Fri 6th December
A 3200m timed head race on the Cam for College and Invitational IVs
Subsidary to the VIIIs event, a handful of college crews usually enter.
Christmas Head
Sat 7th December
Head race from the Pike and Eel to Goldie Boathouse
Organised by the city boat club, the Christmas head is a fancy dress race from the Pike and Eel to Goldie Boathouse. A week after the end of term, few college crews enter.