First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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The Club's Results

Intra-FaT Ergo Challenge

Time comparison

All the Intra-FaT Ergo Challenge results in our archive are listed in time order. Note that for most events the conditions (weather and stream) affect results significantly so it is only for interest.

The crews from Mich Term 2003 are shaded

  1. Light IV, Mich Term 2003: 12:08.6   1st
  2. 2nd men's IV, Mich Term 2003: 12:18.3   2nd
  3. 1st men's IV, minus Colvin, Mich Term 2003: 12:37.4   3rd
  4. Novice VIII, Mich Term 2003: 13:16.6   4th

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