The Club's Results

Bedford Head, Lent Term 2000

A 2000m timed head race on the Great Ouse
Sun 13th February

At the bottom of this page there is a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

1st men's VIII

5th overall, top Cambridge College
Time: 5:58
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<h3><a name="selectedresults">Selected Results</a></h3><h4>Oxbridge college crews</h4><p><pre><b>Position Time Cat. Club</b> 2 5.53 S1.8+ ORIEL COLLEGE BC 3 5.54 S2.8+ EXETER COLLEGE OXFORD BC 4 5.55 S2.8+ ORIEL COLLEGE BC <b>5 5.58 S1.8+ FIRST AND THIRD TRINITY BC</b> 6 5.58 S3.8+ EXETER COLLEGE OXFORD BC <b>7 5.59 S2.8+ FIRST AND THIRD TRINITY BC</b> 10 6.07 S3.8+ LADY MARGARET BC &quot;B&quot; 11 6.08 S3.8+ LADY MARGARET BC &quot;A&quot; * TIME * 12 6.09 S2.8+ CLARE BC 16 6.14 S4.8+ CHRIST'S COLLEGE BC &quot;B&quot; 18 6.16 S3.8+ CLARE BC 19 6.18 S4.8+ QUEENS' COLLEGE OXFORD &quot;A&quot; <b>20 6.18 S2.8+ FIRST &amp; THIRD TRINITY/CAMB '99</b> 22 6.18 S4.8+ CHURCHILL COLLEGE BC 24 6.20 S3.8+ QUEENS' COLLEGE OXFORD <b>27 6.22 S3.8+ FIRST &amp; THIRD TRINITY/CAMB '99</b> 37 6.34 S4.8+ QUEENS' COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE BC 44 6.41 N.8+ CHRIST'S COLLEGE BC 55 6.48 N.8+ LADY MARGARET BC &quot;A&quot; * TIME * 58 6.49 N.8+ LADY MARGARET BC &quot;B&quot; 63 6.53 N.8+ QUEENS' COLLEGE OXFORD 66 6.53 S4.4+ ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE BC CAMB 67 6.54 S3.4+ ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE BC CAMB 69 6.55 S4.8+ QUEENS' COLLEGE OXFORD &quot;B&quot; 70 6.56 N.4+ ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE BC CAMB 75 6.58 N.8+ QUEENS' COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE BC 79 7.00 S3.4+ ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE BC CAMB 82 7.05 S4.4+ ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE BC CAMB 84 7.06 N.4+ ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE BC CAMB</pre></p><div align="right"><font size="-1"><a href="#top">^ top</a></font></div><hr>
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