The Club's Results

Clare Novice Regatta, Mich Term 2001

2nd women's novice VIII (2nd division)

Coxed by: Anjali Vaishnavi

1st round
Beat Jesus C (easily)
The crew dispatched Jesus C easily - even gaining 1/2 length's lead after 2 or 3 strokes. A good start! [by the webmaster]
2nd round
Beat Caius C (1/4 length)
Unfortunately, errors by the start marshalls meant we crashed in to the tow path side bank off the start. The ensuing panic resulted in a number of further encounters with the river bank and gave our opponents a lead of about half the reach (a conservative estimate). However, some brilliant rowing and numerous disasters in the opposing boat meant that by the time both crews got going together Caius were just one length up!

The girls then had the excitement of a nail-biting side by side race through the railway bridge and to the finish... to a final verdict of a win by ~ 1/4 of a length!!! [by the webmaster]
Quarter finals
Beat New Hall B
This was a good solid win. No major disasters, just superior boat speed. A very neat row, most of the way. [by the webmaster]
Semi finals
Lost to Downing B (1 length)
Whilst the result was disappointing for everyone, the race was absolutely brilliant - the timing and technique were the best yet and everyone gave this absolutely everything. The start was extremely good, giving us a 1/2 length lead, but Downing's speed proved just slightly higher than ours despite everyone's best efforts.

Overall, a great performance from the 2nd novice VIII - almost without doubt the best ever. [by the webmaster]

1. Will being knowledge...
2. Leading New Hall in ...
3. Huge lead over Jesus C