First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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The Club's Results

Cardinal's Regatta, Lent Term 2000

"a regatta unlike any other..."
Thu 16th March

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Ben Hur VIII, Fancy Dress

1. Homerton and Selwyn'...
2. In the P&E

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<h4>Ben Hur VIII</h4><p>This was a poor year for First &amp; Third - the first time that we didn't win Cardinal's Fancy Dress since about 1995 (and, it would later turn out, the only year we didn't win in over eight years). The Ben Hur VIII, a mixed Trinity/Homerton crew, was an attempt to recreate the galley scene from Ben Hur. The slave look was always going to be hard to pull off in March, so we went for ripped t-shirts to preserve modesty and body heat. We also tried to put a sail in the middle of the boat but it wouldn't really work. So we just went to the pub.</p><div align="right"><font size="-1"><a href="#top">^ top</a></font></div><hr>
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