Learn to row or cox!

We are now looking for anyone enthusiastic to novice this term!

Ever thought of learning to row?

  • Rowing is the biggest sport in Cambridge with 70% of students rowing at some time during their degree
  • Everyone can learn to row at College from scratch and nearly everyone does
  • Rowing can be done as a team (in eights, fours or pairs) or as an individual
  • The May Bumps which takes place on the Cam each year is the largest annual student sporting event in the country
  • Rowing is great for fitness, providing a low-impact total body workout
  • Rowing requires a great deal of concentration to master technique
  • An important role is the coxswain who steers the boat and commands the athletes, to learn more about coxing click here


Are you looking for a new challenge or sport? Are you keen on getting fit or taking your fitness to the next level while at uni? Are you searching for a healthy pastime to help take a break from work? Or are you just looking to meet fun and interesting people?

There is no better time to start rowing than at university and here at the First and Third Trinity Boat Club we have all the equipment, facilities and coaches and personnel required to teach you how. Rowing involves a fine balance of strength, fitness and technique. As a result of this, improvement in the first few months and years is significant and very satisfying. There is a very clear progression for students from learning the very basics in 2 on 1 "tubbing" sessions, to formation of novice crews and senior crews until eventually making the first Men's/Women's (known as M1/W1). The extra competitive or talented often can go further racing in national regattas, like the famous Henley Royal Regatta, or row for the university in the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race, the largest of the varsity events.

As well as having fun on the water, rowers enjoy a healthy social life off the water with regular swaps, with other boat clubs or sports societies, and nights out together. Other events include barbeques, pub trips and crew pastas (large meals prepared and eaten together before important races). You will soon get to know others in the boat house including members of the college from other years and subject, and a few graduates.

You may be interested in becoming a coxswain, normally referred to as cox. This is a complex and important role, the cox steers the boat and commands the rowers. For more information, talk to us at the events advertised below and take a look our Coxing Guide in the links below.


Getting started is easy! Come over to the First and Third stand at the Chaplain's Squash immediately after Freshers' formal and batter your way through the other clubs and societies begging for your attention towards the large blue flags that mark us out.

At these events you can sign up for "tubbing" sessions which are designed to teach you how to row. Tubbing sessions are in pairs, so if you want to start with a friend you can learn together. Everything will be explained to you in advance including what to bring and what to wear so you don't have to worry and our Novice Captains will teach you what to do and get you moving in no time.

If you have any questions, want to arrange a session early or are not going to be able to attend the above events, feel free to get in touch with our Novice Captains by emailing novicecaptains@firstandthird.org.

If you have rowed or coxed before and would be interested in joining the senior squad get in contact with the captain by emailing menscaptain@firstandthird.org or womenscaptain@firstandthird.org.


See here some videos on rowing technique to get you started:

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For more information about rowing, see: Bumps, FAQ, Coxing guide, Guide to rowing, Rowing jargon

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