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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: London 2012 rowing, I will be watching... 

London 2012 rowing, I will be watching...
This should help those of you undecided as to what to get tickets for. Once you have applied just fill in an option, and hopefully others from FaT/BPBC will be there and join you. The codes supplied are for the different sessions, as found on the 2012 website.
RO001  0%
RO002  0%
RO003  0%
RO004  0%
RO005  100%
RO006  0%
RO007  0%
RO008  0%
Total: 3 members' votes
by Swords - Fri 29th Apr 2011, 9:42am
This was meant to appear before the deadline... Oops