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Members' Opinion Polls

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Rowers of the opposite sex wearing lycra (generally) look...
Sexy  68%
Minging  23%
Like gigolos/whores  10%
Total: 31 members' votes   (24 comments...)
Which is your favourite?
ICQ  8%
Yahoo  0%
MSN/Windows Live  69%
Skype  8%
Google Talk  12%
Miranda  0%
Hawaii, if I qualify  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (2 comments...)
What injury/illness have you trained/raced through?
Real rowers don't listen to their doctors' advice. Which of the following have you refused to prevent you getting in a boat?
Prolapsed disc  4%
Food poisoning  27%
Pulled muscle in arse  4%
(Freshers) 'flu  62%
Hamstring strain/pull  23%
Conjunctivitis  4%
Injury sustained in bike accident while going to the boathouse  23%
Quinsy  4%
Hangover  77%
Blood poisoning from septic blister  8%
Nasty bug picked up from drinking Tideway water  8%
Foot and Mouth  15%
Other (please elaborate below)  42%
Total: 26 members' votes   (16 comments...)
Injuries and illnesses
Most of the following injuries or diseases have prevented members of the Clubs competing at some point. Which is your favourite?
Prolapsed disc  0%
Food poisioning  14%
Pulled muscle in arse  18%
(Freshers) 'flu  5%
Hamstring strain/pull  0%
Conjunctivitis  0%
Injury sustained in bike accident while going to the boathouse  9%
Quinsy  5%
Hangover  14%
Blood poisioning from septic blister  18%
Nasty bug picked up from drinking Tideway water  5%
Foot and Mouth  14%
Total: 22 members' votes   (9 comments...)
How many university medals will be won by FaT this week?
Medals up for grabs in (Men's) Light IVs and Men's and Women's 1st Coxed IVs divisions.
10  0%
14  15%
Total: 27 members' votes
It won't be long before the snow starts to fall and the ski season begins. But which of the below best describes you?
I love skiing  67%
I hate skiing  4%
I hit the slopes every year  41%
I've never been  22%
It costs too much  26%
On my salary I only go for chalets with a sauna and hot tub  7%
Apres rather than ski for me  4%
I hate getting snow down my trousers and falling on my sore arse all the time  4%
My knees are so f**ked I can't ski  11%
I'd be up for a boatie skiing trip!  30%
Total: 27 members' votes
Favourite Bond?
Connery  48%
Lazenby  0%
Moore  4%
Dalton  20%
Brosnan  20%
Craig  4%
Samantha  4%
Total: 25 members' votes   (16 comments...)
Have you ever been injured whilst training for rowing?
People are always getting injured. It's something that happens a lot and always seems to be at exactly the wrong time. An injured squad member can lose a crew a race (or their replacement win a race...), and it's always devastating to take time out when the club's doing really well.
No, never, I'm an undergrad - you have to be over 20 to start worrying about injuries, right?!  8%
No, never, I warm up properly, warm down properly, miss sessions if I feel ill and always look after myself - my body is a temple!  8%
Yes, I've been injured, but I rowed through the pain/broken ankle (and won the Fairbairns, in my single scull)  16%
Yes, I got injured, but went to the sports injury clinic (Mon, Wed, Fri mornings drop-in clinic at Addenbrooke's physio dept) and they sorted me out  12%
Yes, I rowed through it and made it much worse, I really f**ked myself over for the sake of a couple of minor events and subsequently missed some important races  16%
I routinely get admitted to hospital/row whilst on crutches/train against specific doctor's orders/am called Neil Talbott  12%
I am/was a triallist and we have a squad physio to sort out injuries and everything!  4%
I'm a cox, training is for wimps  4%
I row for BPBC, training is for wimps  20%
Total: 25 members' votes   (3 comments...)
What is your ARA rowing status?
Sweep oar - assume the crew averages the number of points you have.
Novice  44%
Senior 4  17%
Senior 3  11%
Senior 2  11%
Senior 1  6%
Elite  6%
Veteran  6%
Total: 18 members' votes   (1 comment...)
How did you cope without the First and Third website?
The website went on its annual holiday last week (was it unplugged by a cleaner again?) - what did you do?
I didn't notice because I didn't try to visit while it was down  0%
I got my fill of rowing websites by looking at the Rowing Service, Tideway Slug, etc.  5%
I watched the Mythbuster waterskiing behind an eight video on YouTube  9%
I browsed other websites (non-rowing related)instead  32%
I did some training  23%
I did some work  23%
I joined LMBC  9%
Total: 22 members' votes   (4 comments...)
The ABC and Channel 4 series 'Lost' is approaching its conclusion. Will you be watching avidly, or couldn't you care less?
It's brilliant  18%
It's rubbish  29%
Where am I?  53%
Total: 17 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What colour blades are you using at the moment?
Many FaTties will be training away from the Cam at the moment. Hopefully they are all using respectable kit, but let's make sure....
Dark blue (with or without a gold band)  27%
Black with a dark blue tip and a gold cat and buns  18%
Cambridge blue  0%
Orange  0%
Yellow  0%
Green  0%
Indigo  0%
Violet  0%
Black  9%
White  18%
Pink  9%
Red  18%
Total: 11 members' votes
Are you addicted to rowing?
Many of us find there are times in our lives when rowing becomes a little more important than other things. But are you addicted? Use this well known questionaire to guage your addiction.
Score one or more? You ought to think about Rowers Anonymous...
I feel that I ought to cut down  24%
I get annoyed when people suggest I should cut down  71%
I feel guilty because of the amount I row  12%
I need an early morning eye-opener session just to survive  18%
None of the above  35%
One of the above  29%
Two of the above  29%
Three of the above  12%
All of the above (u-oh)  12%
Total: 17 members' votes   (3 comments...)
Which of these would you most like to see permamently banned from the boathouse?
non-FaT people  17%
CU(W)(L) trialists who just cry and cry and CRY  28%
Gates with less than 36 degree pitch  0%
Bland lard  28%
Small boats  0%
Smelly co-rowers  28%
All liquids and personal electronic items  0%
Total: 18 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Which of these would you most like to see permamently banned from aircraft?
Fat people  39%
Small children who just cry and cry and CRY  25%
Seats with less than 36 inch pitch  18%
Bland food  4%
Small toilets  0%
Smelly co-travellers  7%
All liquids and personal electronic items  7%
Total: 28 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Ay caramba, it's the World Rowing Championships
The 2006 World Rowing Championships are at Dorney later this month. How will you be involved?
Ignoring  17%
Reading about it online/in newspapers  22%
Watching on TV  33%
Spectating  17%
Spectating every day  0%
Streaking & pitch invading  6%
Volunteering  6%
Competing  0%
Total: 18 members' votes
Favourite ice cream/lolly
Fab  0%
Mini Milk  4%
Solero  4%
Mars Bar Ice cream  8%
Other chocolate bar turned into ice cream  0%
Mivvi  4%
Cornetto  8%
Magnum  15%
Solero  0%
Feast  19%
Calippo  4%
Sparkle  0%
(Tangle) Twister  12%
Fruit Pastilles lolly  8%
Rocket  4%
2l tub of vanilla  12%
Total: 26 members' votes   (4 comments...)
How do you cope in this heat?
It's on the warm side at the moment (no doubt by the time you read this it will be raining though) - which of these are part of your strategy for beating the heat?
I don't feel it  5%
I feel it but can we stop all this nambypammby worrying about it  38%
My place of work has air conditioning so ha ha ha ha ha!  29%
I love it and am sunbathing everyday right now  19%
I just take my tie off/dress down  29%
I carry water and/or a fan everywhere  14%
I am carrying ice bricks with me  5%
I'm lounging in front of the tv with the curtains drawn  19%
It's a bit cooler on the river so am spending more time rowing  19%
Other strategy (below)  19%
Total: 21 members' votes   (11 comments...)
What's your favourite bop song?
We all know the bop represents a distorted view of
The Way - Divine Inspiration  6%
Blue - Eiffel65  0%
Gold - Spandau Ballet  6%
Macarena - Los Del Rio  6%
Saturday Night - Whigfield  17%
Top Gun Theme - Miami Sound Machine  17%
The One and Only - Chesney Hawks  39%
Rupert the Bear Theme - Rupert the Bear  0%
Other (post below)  11%
Total: 18 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Furthest you've made it at Henley?
Never entered  32%
Didn't qualify  14%
Fastest non-qualifier  14%
Wednesday  5%
Thursday pre-5pm  14%
Thursday post-5pm  0%
Friday  5%
Saturday  0%
Sunday but I lost  0%
I've won it  0%
Made it into Stewards  18%
Made third base in Stewards  0%
Total: 22 members' votes   (1 comment...)

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