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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: The lycra debate: it rumbles on 

The lycra debate: it rumbles on
Last week's poll caused more conversation than the usual. Let's have some in depth analysis.
All lycra-based clothing makes rowers of the opposite sex look sexy  29%
All lycra-based clothing makes rowers of the opposite sex look wrong  4%
Tech tops and leggings are one thing, it's all in ones I have a problem with  36%
It's not the material, it's the design: hoops make me look FaT  11%
I won the Fairbairn Cup in 1956 in my single scull wearing cotton slacks and a zephyr  25%
Sod lycra, I want to do the Lents in PVC  46%
Total: 28 members' votes
by kit whore - Sun 17th Dec 2006, 8:49pm
All lycra based clothing makes FiT rowers of the opposite sex look sexy.