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Members' Opinion Polls

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Staggered start
Further to the you perform better when you're losing but not by much thread, which do station do you prefer at Bedford Amateur Regatta?
Enclosure (c half length 'behind' on the start)  20%
Embankment (c half length 'up' on the start)  60%
Zoo Station  20%
Total: 5 members' votes   (6 comments...)
London 2012
Those with no Olympic tickets are gearing up for this Friday's second chance sales, while those with some are crunching the numbers from their credit card bills to work out what they've got ahead of the e-mail on Friday confirming the outcome. If you know, or have a good idea, vote now.
RO001  0%
RO002  7%
RO003  14%
RO004  7%
RO005  29%
RO006  29%
RO007  14%
RO008  7%
applied but got none  14%
Total: 14 members' votes
London 2012 rowing, I will be watching...
This should help those of you undecided as to what to get tickets for. Once you have applied just fill in an option, and hopefully others from FaT/BPBC will be there and join you. The codes supplied are for the different sessions, as found on the 2012 website.
RO001  0%
RO002  0%
RO003  0%
RO004  0%
RO005  100%
RO006  0%
RO007  0%
RO008  0%
Total: 3 members' votes   (1 comment...)
I'd rather be at ...
Oxford  30%
St John's  60%
Downing  10%
Total: 10 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Against which event(s) would you prefer to have the annual pub crawl clashing ?
There's rather a lot of other racing around the date of the boat race (26 March), and the crawl will have to clash with something else.
19 March - WeHoRR  58%
20 March - Hammersmith Head  50%
26 March - Kingston Head  25%
27 March - Henley Races  0%
02 April - HoRR  0%
03 April - Vets HoRR  25%
Total: 12 members' votes
Imagine you have angered a group of antisocial youths while out on the river - for example, you have broken their fishing line and they demand retribution. They follow you to the boathouse, where you quickly jump inside and prepare yourself for their arrival.

The hoardes arrive, armed with bricks, stones, and possibly knives. You look around to see what you could use to defend the boathouse. What do you do?
Pick up a blade and charge.  0%
Run out holding a backstay in one hand, a clam in the other as a knuckleduster, and start swinging wildly.  13%
Launch a single scull at the gang.  0%
Stand on the balcony frisbeeing Fairbairns shields at them.  13%
Stand on the balcony pelting them with weights and Headship medals.  6%
Dismantle an erg, craft some form of rudimentary nunchucks, put on some jet-black full-body lycra and abseil down from the roof.  6%
Attempt to drown them by throwing Lard items into the river.  0%
Put on the women's cheese music erg CD on maximum volume.  25%
Give Coker a call.  38%
Total: 16 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Favourite Corner?
There are lots of gentle bends left out of the options, but all of these require more turn than an Australian spinner. Which one do you like best?
Little Bridge  0%
First Post  9%
Grassy  27%
Ditton  27%
The Kink  0%
Under the Railway Bridge  0%
Morley's Holt  0%
Chesterton  9%
Simoco  0%
Churchill BH  0%
Elizabeth Way  0%
The Karussell  27%
Total: 11 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Fairbairns Predictions
Which of the following will we win/will happen?
Fastest Men's Novice VIII  14%
Fastest Men's Second Novice VIII  14%
Fastest Women's Novice VIII  14%
Fastest Second Women's Novice VIII  7%
Fastest Men's Senior VIII  29%
Fastest Men's Second Senior VIII  14%
Fastest Men's Invitational Senior VIII  79%
Fastest Women's Senior VIII  43%
Fastest Women's Second Senior VIII  7%
Fastest Women's Invitational Senior VIII  57%
Fastest Men's Senior IV  21%
Fastest Women's Senior IV  43%
Fastest Men's Invitational Senior IV  71%
Fastest Women's Invitational Senior IV  29%
Second Novice Men beat First Novice Men  21%
Second Novice Women beat First Novice Women  14%
BPBC M1 beat FaT M1  57%
BPBC M2 beat FaT M2  64%
BPBC W1 beat FaT W1  21%
BPBC M4+ beat FaT M4+  43%
Fastest BPBC W4+ beat Fastest FaT W4+  36%
FaT Novice Men beat any BPBC Men's VIII  14%
At least one crab in a novice crew  79%
At least one crab in a senior FaT crew  36%
At least one crab in a BPBC crew  43%
Sun  36%
Rain  36%
Snow  93%
Hail  43%
Fog  36%
Gales  50%
Wormhole action  50%
Total: 14 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What is the maximum sum of money you would be willing to spend on club Stripy Trousers (women included)?
The official 1st&3rd club dress comprises a pair of Stripy Trousers like the ones the Men's Captain swaps over with the incoming captain at the Mays dinner each year. It is a great shame that apart from the Men's Captain only a very few Bufties own a pair of Stripies these days and so it would be fantastic if we managed to produce a new batch of them. Previous attempts to do this have been hindered by large production costs (cloth needs to be made + trousers tailored).

This poll is aimed at finding out how many people would be interested in purchasing a pair of Stripy Trousers and at what price such that quotes can be obtained from manufacturers. For the ladies, there are ideas to introduce Stripy Skirts, so please place your vote too!

Options are indicated in Pounds Sterling.
150+  3%
125  3%
100  26%
75  23%
50  45%
Total: 31 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Where shall we go on training camp next year?
Every year, the men (and potentially the women) go somewhere exciting for pre-Lents training camp. We've had Nottingham, Seville and Chester in the last three years, all very special in their own way. So now where? State your (multiple) preferences!
Cambridge  13%
Dorney  26%
Nottingham  9%
Lake Victoria  17%
Chester  17%
Seville  43%
The Tideway  48%
The Amazon  13%
Wallingford  26%
Peteborough  17%
Across the Atlantic  17%
Ely  17%
Lake Titicaca  26%
Banyoles  13%
Total: 23 members' votes

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