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Members' Opinion Polls

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Who should trial lightweights next year?
Andrew Lewis  38%
Will Laffan  44%
Richard Fletcher  44%
Martin Yarr  18%
John Kiely  28%
Philipp Preiss  41%
Lorry Carr  28%
Sam Lings  21%
Mohammad Dehabadi  18%
Tom O'Neill  23%
Seb Pancratz  44%
Christian Mertes  21%
Adam Blacklay  21%
James Strawson  23%
Tom Coker  26%
Hannah Jackson  15%
Fran Rawlins  59%
Julia Summers  51%
Rachel Croft  18%
Joanna Heath  18%
Amy Hewer  15%
Lilie Weaver  49%
Toby Garnett  38%
Total: 39 members' votes   (17 comments...)
Who will be next year's Men's Captain?
Because we know its just a popularity contest anyway ;)
Tom ''El Presidente'' Coker  3%
Ming ''The Merciless'' Chung  41%
Sebastian ''I Only Scull'' Pancratz  3%
Will ''Shortest Headship Winner'' Laffan  3%
Emma ''Brian Is So Awesome'' Leadbetter  12%
Pedro ''How Can I Copy Erica After She's Gone'' Cunha  3%
Bryn ''Will Only Coach Novice Girls'' Garrod  18%
Martin ''Must Do Bigger Weights'' Yarr  3%
Chris ''Doing a PhD to Row'' Dunleavy  9%
Lorry ''Can't Look Forward'' Carr  0%
Adam ''Very Ordinary'' Blacklay  6%
Total: 34 members' votes
How to tan?
The second most important thing about Mays rowing (after bumps)... bronzing.
Stay completely covered at all times to avoid any chance of a tan (see A. Lea-Cox)  15%
Wear an all-in-one and get strap marks (see people too busy rowing to care about looks)  48%
Wear only one strap and then switch at the lock to avoid too much of a strap mark whilst still being able to row well (see T. Coker)  6%
Push both straps down to avoid strap marks and (if female) hope it holds and (if male) hope it doesn't (see Women's hour)  12%
Go topless and just take the fines for indecent exposure on the chin (see the bank balance decrease)  18%
Total: 33 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Blue and gold bikinis?
It has been suggested that the new women's Mays kit should be blue and gold bikinis. Less (/fewer?) tan lines, and proof, if needed, that we are (all) female. Aye or Nay?
Yes please!  63%
No thanks!  37%
Total: 43 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Punting skill
How good do you think you are?
I am/was a professional and made things up to tell tourists  10%
I am/was a professional  0%
I can go fast and straight  45%
I struggle if it's busy but I'm largely OK  16%
I may have hit an occasional bridge...  3%
I'm a danger to myself and others  6%
The Conservators have banned me  0%
I'm a lady so I get a burly man to punt me  6%
Water is for racing over, not drifting down  13%
Total: 31 members' votes   (13 comments...)
Favourite test?
2k  7%
5k  17%
30 minute  3%
Max. Power  7%
Max. Weights  10%
5k sculling  0%
Seat Race  13%
Rorschach  3%
Turing  7%
Edgbaston 2005  33%
Total: 30 members' votes   (6 comments...)
Eights Head
Recent results are variable. How will the 2007 vintage perform?
Legends: 88th or better  5%
Very good: 89th - 118th  45%
Above Average: 119th - 164th  45%
Average: 165th - 200th  0%
Below par for this crew: 201st - 250th  0%
Below par for any 1st VIII: 251st - 300th  0%
Disaster: 301st or below  0%
Failure to finish  0%
Failure to start  0%
Event cancelled  5%
Total: 20 members' votes   (5 comments...)
It was suggested on the pub crawl that the site's login page (i.e. the navy blue background with the two large crests) be replaced with an animated lion who walks in from one side before stopping in the right pose. Thoughts?
Yes please  42%
No thanks  58%
Total: 36 members' votes
Easter training
More than term-time  20%
Same as term-time  12%
Slightly less than term-time  12%
Non-rowing related cross-training (e.g. skiing)  32%
Very little, I'm off on holidays  4%
Pub crawl anyone?  20%
Total: 25 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Grammar Police
You know who you are.
They're ensuring that high standards are maintained  66%
They're standing in the way of an evolving language  31%
There's no one quite like Grammar...  3%
Total: 35 members' votes

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