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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 68 to 77 of 282
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Who's the shortest?
A poll with no purpose other than to get rid of the Christmas one.
Ming  60%
Peter Ford  17%
Laffan  23%
Total: 30 members' votes   (1 comment...)
How many times did you train on Christmas Day?
3+ (liar)  0%
Total: 27 members' votes   (1 comment...)
So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun...
Frankly this is no better than 'Daddy or Chips'...
Ho ho ho  60%
Humbug  40%
Total: 20 members' votes
What's your favourite mince pie?
I'm sure they're better if you make your own, but who has the time?
Tesco Deep Fill  21%
Tesco Finest  7%
Mr Kipling  0%
Sainsbury's Deep Fill  21%
Sainsbury's Taste The Difference  0%
M&S Classic  0%
Waitrose All Butter  14%
Duchy Originals  0%
Four'N Twenty  0%
Other - add below  36%
Total: 14 members' votes   (6 comments...)
Who will win BBC Sports Personality of the Year?
Joe Calzaghe  7%
Lewis Hamilton  33%
Ricky Hatton  0%
Andy Murray  0%
Christine Ohuruogu  0%
Paula Radcliffe  4%
Jason Robinson  0%
Justin Rose  0%
James Toseland  0%
Jonny Wilkinson  0%
Ming-Chee Chung  56%
Total: 27 members' votes   (1 comment...)
How should seating be organised at the Fairbairns Dinner?
By crew  0%
W1 with NM1, M1 with NW1 etc.  9%
W1 with M1, NW1 with NM1 etc.  2%
W1 with NW1, M1 with NM1 etc.  2%
Boy-girl-boy-girl...  2%
Fit-ugly-fit-ugly...  5%
Random selection (genuinely random)  0%
Random selection (rigged for carnage)  7%
Random selection (rigged for incest)  41%
Random selection (rigged for novice retention)  5%
Random selection (rigged for awkwardness)  2%
Alphabetically by surname  0%
By 2K time  14%
First come, first served  2%
Sec's discretion  9%
Total: 44 members' votes   (4 comments...)
What are your Fairbairns predictions?
FaT men to beat BPBC men  87%
BPBC men to beat FaT men  3%
FaT women to beat BPBC women  47%
BPBC women to beat FaT women  43%
a FaT novice crew to beat a FaT senior crew  20%
a FaT novice crew to beat a BPBC crew  13%
a BPBC member to require medical assistance  20%
a BPBC member to make the 'three-stroke practice outing' joke  63%
every BPBC member to make the 'I won Fairbairns in my single scull' joke  57%
someone to criticise Byrne's catch  67%
Coker to turn up too drunk to row  50%
Coker to turn up too sober to row  33%
JCBC to do better than expected  73%
Total: 30 members' votes   (7 comments...)
That's a negative Ghost rider, the pattern is full...
Apparently congestion in the mornings is getting worse (although we reached gridlock years ago). A 'leaked' CUCBC paper has suggested banning novices from the mornings, prompting some discussion. What to do?
Ban novices from early mornings  3%
Ban CULRC from early mornings  43%
Ban seniors from early mornings in November  29%
Ban rowing  9%
Allow limited senior outings in the dark  26%
Move novice races to the middle of Lent term  17%
Build a bigger river  74%
A quota system of early morning outings  14%
Build an air traffic control tower at Chesterton and require all boats to proceed under its control during outings  34%
Total: 35 members' votes   (6 comments...)
What happened to Granta in the Fours head?
The Granta coxless four finished last in the Fours Head in a time of 47 minutes (their event was won in just over 20 minutes). What happened?
Gate opened, blade lost  0%
Hit bridge  0%
Steering wires broke  0%
Hit debris  0%
Training plan called for technical pairs work  14%
Aliens  14%
Very localised counter-current tidal wave  4%
Thames whale  4%
Ran aground on Fulham flats  0%
They didn't 'use the stream! Stream one! Stream two!'  7%
Nothing - it was a good time for them  57%
Total: 28 members' votes   (13 comments...)
What happened to Granta in the Fours head?
The Granta coxless four finished last in the Fours Head in a time of 47 minutes (their event was won in 20'08
Gate opened, blade lost 
Hit bridge 
Steering wires broke 
Hit debris 
Training plan called for technical pairs work 
Very localised counter-current tidal wave 
Thames whale 
Ran aground on Fulham flats 
Nothing - it was a actually a good time by their standards 
No votes were cast

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