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7th Apr '07Boat Racesby bjg
Cambridge today won both the Boat Race and the Goldie/Isis race to add to victories for the Veterans yesterady and Spare Pair on Wednesday. Particular congratulations to Tobias Garnett, who rowed for Goldie, and Peter Summers, who rowed for the Cambridge veterans.
by BJ - Sat 7th Apr 2007, 5:58pm
Looking through the message board, I've noticed that my previous announcement was misleading as no mention has been made of the Henley Boat Races. The Boat Race and Goldie/Isis race completed a clean sweep for the heavyweight men's crews. At Henley, Cambridge was less successful, winning the Women's Boat Race by half a length but losing the Blondie/Osiris, Women's Lightweight and Men's Lightweight races, all by a length.

However, it was a good display of strength from First and Third, with Helen Ralston, Fran Rawlins and Lilie Weaver (for the second year running) all represented in the Women's Lightweight boat.

Let's hope that returning talent added to successful crews from last term will results in May Bumps successes!
by Simon - Sat 7th Apr 2007, 10:51pm
If you didn't see the broadcast (which was much better this year than some of ITV's earlier efforts) then it's here, not sure how long for though. Fantastic race.