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19th Feb '09BumpITby bjg
Our bumps prediction game is now into its fourth year. See here for details of how to play. There are two versions of the game: 4-day, for predicting the complete men's or women's bumps charts, and Daily, for predicting each of the five days of the Lent Bumps.

I'm not planning to award any prizes this year, partly because I never get round to doing it until it's so late that any enthusiasm the winners had has entirely disappeared, and partly because it generally seems to be the same few people winning more and more BumpIT clothing. If Mercury (King's), Rich (Sidney Sussex), Phil (1st & 3rd) and Simon (Christ's) wrote the predictions at the front of the bumps programme then there'd be no point running bumps. But if you feel strongly that there should be prizes then post below and I'll go begging for some money.

If you are a member of First and Third then a user account will already exist for you. Any problems then get in touch with Strawson at webmaster at firstandthird dot org.
by BJ - Fri 20th Feb 2009, 12:06am
I guess this guy is guaranteed to be correct...