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Members' Opinion Polls

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For Valentine's Day I gave...
Tick all that apply.
Card  81%
Chocolates  42%
Dinner  50%
Flowers  15%
Maxim  15%
Underwear  19%
Head  35%
Total: 26 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Where's Ditton?
Some people refer to the Ditton end of the reach as the
Top of the reach  32%
Bottom of the reach  68%
Total: 37 members' votes   (35 comments...)
Rampant boaties - what inter/intra-boatclub carnage have you been involved in?
We've all been to formal hall lots of times. I'm sure most of us have tried it on with an unsuspecting member of the opposition. But with members (past or present) of how many boatclubs have you actually been successful?
First and Third Trinity BC  84%
Caius BC  31%
Christ's College BC  28%
Churchill College BC  9%
Clare BC  34%
Clare Hall BC  3%
Corpus Christi College BC  13%
Darwin College BC  6%
Downing College BC (shame on you)  9%
Emmanuel College BC  16%
Fitzwilliam College BC  6%
Girton College BC  16%
Homerton College BC  34%
Hughes Hall BC  3%
Jesus College BC  25%
King's College BC  3%
LMBC (tut tut)  31%
Lucy Cavendish BC (?!)  3%
Magdalene BC  13%
New Hall BC  19%
Newnham College BC  22%
Pembroke College BC  41%
Peterhouse BC  25%
Queens' College BC  16%
Robinson College BC  9%
St Catharine's College BC  19%
St Edmund's College BC  3%
Selwyn College BC  19%
Sidney Sussex College BC  9%
Trinity Hall BC  13%
Wolfson College BC  6%
Black Prince BC  50%
CUBC  13%
CULRC  16%
CUWBC  22%
Leander  3%
Rob Roy BC  16%
Any other town club  13%
Any Oxford club  22%
Total: 32 members' votes   (1 comment...)
In which boat will the first men race the Lent Bumps?
So far they've taken out BP2 and BP3...
Black Prince 1  31%
Any one of the other Black Princes  6%
A novice shell  17%
A different boat every day  11%
Fair Maid of Kent  36%
Total: 36 members' votes
What constitutes 'cooperation' in the incest chart?
A line == a pull. But what is a pull?
Touching  4%
Kissing  4%
Kissing with tongue (sometimes called 'French kissing', but not by me)  54%
Shagging  11%
Marriage  4%
Mixed double outing  21%
A stroke  4%
Total: 28 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Who do we hate most?
Caius  15%
Downing  53%
LMBC  32%
Total: 34 members' votes   (25 comments...)
What's the highest rate you've ever clocked?
Bonus points for small boats
less than 40  14%
40-45  18%
46-48  32%
49  0%
50  0%
51  0%
52  9%
53  0%
54  5%
55  5%
56+  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (9 comments...)
New Year's Resolutions
This year, I resolve to
train more  73%
train less  3%
win blades  27%
qualify for/row at Henley  27%
take a break from rowing  3%
take up rowing again  23%
do all the stretches my physio tells me to do  37%
wash my kit  40%
spend less time on this website  30%
spend more time on this website  10%
stomp  40%
get a (new) job  33%
smile more  30%
buft  40%
win the fancy dress prize at Cardinals  3%
drink more (alcohol)  17%
drink less (alcohol)  27%
not make any resolutions  10%
Total: 30 members' votes
Who delivered more Christmas presents this year ?
Father Christmas  33%
St. Nicholas  6%
Santa Claus  11%
Kriss Kringle  0%
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer  11%
Royal Mail  39%
Total: 18 members' votes
Which of these have you experienced on an ergo?
Following on from our discussion of personal worsts, which of these have you done on an ergo?
Thrown up  48%
Got buttock cramp  72%
Shat your pants (preferable to rowing for LMBC)  4%
Had sex  20%
Passed out  4%
Given up  72%
Total: 25 members' votes   (4 comments...)

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