First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 228 to 237 of 282
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How often do you wash your kit?
More than once a week  29%
Once a week  24%
Once a fortnight  29%
Once a month  9%
Once a term  3%
When it rains  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (11 comments...)
What is your 2k PB?
>8:20  6%
8:10-8:19  0%
8:00-8:09  0%
7:50-7:59  12%
7:40-7:49  3%
7:30-7:39  3%
7:20-7:29  0%
7:10-7:19  0%
7:00-7:09  6%
6:50-6:59  12%
6:40-6:49  9%
6:30-6:39  15%
6:20-6:29  18%
6:10-6:19  9%
6:00-6:09  3%
5:50-5:59  0%
5:40-5:49  0%
<5:39  3%
Total: 33 members' votes   (37 comments...)
Black Prince BC  44%
First and Third Trinity BC  56%
Total: 50 members' votes   (6 comments...)
HoR4s. Select all the options that you think will occur
FaT Men beat BPBC Men  10%
FaT Women beat BPBC women  20%
FaT Men finish higher than they start  65%
FaT Women finish higher than they start  75%
FaT Men have a positive net overtaking record  55%
FaT Women have a positive net overtaking record  45%
FaT men overtaken by BPBC Men  15%
FaT Women overtaken by BPBC Women  5%
FaT Men best college crew  25%
FaT Women best college crew  10%
FaT Men get under the 2nd Lamppost  60%
FaT Women get under the 2nd Lamppost  45%
FaT Men have a huge blade clash  45%
FaT Women have a huge blade clash  50%
FaT Men have a huge blade clash with FaT Women  10%
Total: 20 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Which rowing term made you snigger most as a novice?
Stroke  38%
Cox box  0%
Entry  8%
Rack  0%
Pull  0%
Shaft  46%
Scull  0%
Rudder  8%
Total: 13 members' votes   (9 comments...)
It is rumoured that most rowers are scientists. Are you?
You need not base this entirely on your degree although I think it will be clear for most
Scientist  65%
Artist  18%
Both  12%
Neither  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (13 comments...)
How should the novices be taught to row?
From backstops  23%
From frontstops  42%
Slowly  35%
Total: 26 members' votes   (25 comments...)
Who should the club back as Sports Personality of the Year?
Ben Ainslie  7%
Freddie Flintoff  11%
Kelly Holmes  50%
Amir Khan  4%
Colin Montgomerie  7%
Matthew Pinsent  14%
RTT  7%
Total: 28 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Bowside  45%
Strokeside  45%
Darkside  10%
Total: 29 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Favourite Film Trilogy
Godfather  12%
Lord of the Rings  42%
Back to the Future  15%
Matrix  0%
American Pie  8%
Star Wars (original)  12%
Indiana Jones  8%
Kill Bill  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (44 comments...)

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