First and Third Trinity

Racing News

Racing News > Head of the River IVs 

11th Nov '01Head of the River IVsby mcp
The IVs head is a huge processional head race involving 550 boats on the River Thames. It is our chance to challenge the likes of Pinsent and Cracknell in the same event...!
Both the 1st men's and 1st women's IVs went and raced it - the men getting within 3 mins of Pinsent's time ;-) There are some more details on our results page and a few pictures.
by mcp - Mon 12th Nov 2001, 9:20am
Here's a useful article on comparing Oxford (racing as Isis) and Cambridge (racing as Goldie) in the IVs Head - the first chance to compare the performance of the two squads.
Since three of the Isis crews were disqualified, it is difficult to compare Oxford and Cambridge on the official results alone, but the article includes two of the abandoned Isis times, which compare as below. Remembered that, all other things being equal, Quads ("x") go faster than coxless boats ("-"), which go faster than coxed boats ("+"):
Finish Start Crew                     Placing in Category
(2) 4  11    GOLDIE B C I    18:25.3  1     S2x  10s pen.
13     13    ISIS I          18:41.3  (1)   4-   Disq.
20     16    GOLDIE B C II   18:55.1  1     4-
37     14    ISIS II         19:17.7  (2)   4+   Disq.
46     37    ISIS B C III    19:27.4  1     S1-
48     40    GOLDIE B C IV   19:30.5  2     S2-
49     51    ISIS B C IV     19:30.5  1     S1+
54     27    GOLDIE B C III  19:33.7  3     4+
60     115   ISIS B C V      19:37.4  1     S2+
110    45    GOLDIE B C V    20:07.8  1     S3+A
218    455   GOLDIE B C VI   21:02.6  9     S3+A
       364   ISIS VI         -- unknown --  S1-  Disq.