First and Third Trinity

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Racing News > Small Boats Regatta Wins 

30th Apr '07Small Boats Regatta Winsby bjg
This year's Small Boats Regatta saw a bumper crop of First and Third entries, with only the Bushe-Fox Freshmen's Sculls and the men's Lowe Double Sculls lacking a blue and gold presence. We also had some good wins to go with it.

In the men's Foster Fairbairn Pairs, Bryn Garrod and Dan Jane were successful in what is likely to be Dan's last competitive action for the club before he moves to Rio de Janeiro 'to do maths'.

In the women's Magdalene Silver Pairs, Erica Thompson and Lilie Weaver did well to combat exam pressures and a lack of outings to cover the course quicker than their opposition, just unfortunately not by enough to prevent it from being a dead-heat. This gave them another pair of university medals to add to those won in similar circumstances in the women's Foster Fairbairn Pairs two years ago.

However, the most successful First and Third competitor of the week was Helen Ralston, who, in her first appearances for club, won the Women's Championship Sculls and the women's Foster Fairbairn Pairs with fellow university lightweight Fran Rawlins. Hopefully the four 'easily' verdicts they notched up between them are a sign of good things to come for this term!

Away from the racing side, it was also good to see Peter Brandt in Cambridge to present his trophy for the men's Maiden Sculls. In his words, four First and Third victories 'made the trip up from London worthwhile'! Finally, if anyone would like to donate a pair to the club (preferably weighted at around 65kg), it would be a much-appreciated help with logistics next year.
by BJ - Mon 30th Apr 2007, 9:49pm
bjg said: This year's Small Boats Regatta saw a bumper crop of First and Third entries, with only the Bushe-Fox Freshmen's Sculls and the men's Lowe Double Sculls lacking a blue and gold presence.
Sorry for the typo: we had no entries in the women's Lowe Double Sculls, but Seb and Graham entered the men's competition.
by joff - Tue 1st May 2007, 4:42pm
bjg said: Finally, if anyone would like to donate a pair to the club (preferably weighted at around 65kg), it would be a much-appreciated help with logistics next year.
do it... you know you want to...
by BJ - Wed 2nd May 2007, 9:20am
I notice that Lola Aylings have some serious special offers going on... £4000 for an XST? A snip at half the price!

(You might have to gain 10kg Lilie, but what's that between friends?!)