First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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2nd Apr '06Lilie wins boat raceby mcp
Two First and Third oarsmen represented Cambridge in the races against Oxford this weekend. Lilie Weaver was rowing at 4 in the women's lightweight crew and Seb Pancratz rowed at 4 in Granta, the men's lightweight reserve crew.

The women's lightweights beat Oxford in a thrilling race. They came from behind and after rowing through their opponents held on to win by a canvas. Well done Lilie!
Sadly for Seb, after a hard winter of cold outings at Ely the men's lightweights did not fair so well - in what was a disappointing weekend for Cambridge overall.

The boat races between Oxford and Cambridge for crews other than the men's heavyweights (the women's Blue, reserve and lightweight and men's lightweight and lightweight reserve crews) all take place at Henley rather than the tideway. Though they enjoy less publicity than the famous race on the tideway, the level of training and preparation and desire to win is no less intense.
More on Saturday's racing can be found here.
16th Mar '06STCSby AJS
Tuesday 14th March saw the annual Second Trinity Challenge Sculls in the break between the hail and the rain. A bumper number of entrants, a strong field and some strong showings by some of the newer entrants made this a very enjoyable and competitive race!

In the Men's Single Shell, Ed Richardson (Downing) once again took the prize in a time of 10:13, six seconds faster than his nearest rival Colin Leonard (Pembroke). David Hopper (Peterhouse) took the fastest male coxwain prize in 10:35. For First and Third, newcomer Tom Andrews and Albert Cheung were the quickest two boats, in times of 12:03 and 12:04 with Phil Horler finishing in a time of 12:40.

In the Women's Single Shell, Anna Simpson (Corpus) took the honours in a time of 12:23. Anna also took the prize for the fastest Women's Double with Sarah Rose (Lucy Cavendish ) in 11:01. Representing FaT Amelia Russell and Catherine Aiken finished in a respectable time of 12:12 from a difficult draw with the fastest male single right behind them.

Aaron Pascovitch (Jesus) and Nick Woods (Downing) won the Men's Double category in 9:48.

Sadly, the only entrant in the clinkers category scratched, but the swell in numbers for the doubles categories, introduced last year, more than made up for the drop in an event which may well be scrapped in the near future.

Full results can be found here.

Finally, thanks to all of those who helped me out through the organisation and the day itself, especially to Honey, Martin, Rich, Sam, Lorry, Will, Harry and Billy for spending the entire afternoon marshalling and to Sam and Martin for helping me cart equipment all over the place and with the website. I feel it was a very successful race and something FaT can be proud to have hosted!
7th Mar '06Lent Bumps Roundupby pks
This year's set of Lent Bumps was certainly a successful and most enjoyable one for all members involved, be it in the heat of the chase or supporting from the towpath... or computer screen.

First and Third had 10 crews actively rowing this term. Of these, the 5th and 6th men and 2nd and 3rd women had to compete for bumps places in the GOR. The 6th men put in a very good time and the 3rd women did marvellously until forced into the bank at Ditton by an overtaking crew. Unfortunately, neither crew managed to secure a place. The rowers involved should have a much better chance in the Mays.

The week started off with the lower division races on Tuesday. The 5th men, having achieved no mean feat by being the only 5th VIII to get on were the first crew to race but unfortunately got bumped to foot of the river, where they rowed over for the rest of the week.

It was a sad day for the 2nd women, for whom an accident spoilt the chances of a permanent place on the River, when they got bumped by an inferior Newnham III crew. They pulled it back admirably, however, bumping back Newnham on Thursday, Trinity Hall on Friday... and "beaching" a late acknowledging Downing W2 on Saturday.

In the 3rd men's division, the 4th men, mainly comprising promising novice intake, dominated their field comprehensively, cruising to blades and the 4th VIII headship, while a gentlemanly 3rd VIII did their gentlemanly duty by taking the 3rd VIII headship from the undeserving red menace.

The 2nd men finished the week up 2 with a very gutsy row-over behind Peterhouse M1 on Day 4. The highlight of M2's racing, however, was Magnus' spectacular overtaking manoeuvre on Friday-provoked, again, by a Downing crew not knowing when to concede...

The 1st women were denied blades by a spooning Downing, but finally got the bumps race they had been longing for... the one where the bump is hard earned, when Jesus W1 put up a very good fight and prolonged the chase until about 100m from the Railway Bridge. The suitable satisfaction of having bumped the Enemy on Day 1 and having finished 4th, being in an excellent position to attack the Headship for the first time in 2007 made this week a happy one for W1.

The whole Club suffered with the 1st men, when they gave everything they had in the week's fourth and final attempt at the bump on Caius. Having sized up the opposition, which, given some last minute substitutions into the Caius boat were a bit of an unknown quantity, on the first three days, they went to within an inch of their limits and a canvas on Caius on Day 4. Ultimately, everything was not quite enough, resulting in a more than respectable 14th consecutive row-over in second place for First and Third M1.

Although the Club's results were not fully representative of our crews' potential and speed, especially, given victories for M1 in Pembroke Regatta and W1 in Robinson Head (twice...;)) and H2H, I think we have reason to be proud of all seven crews' performances this week. I wish to thank the rowers for the time and effort they have committed to the Club once again, this term, all our coaches and our supporters, FaT, BPBC or other!!

Rah, rah, First and Third!!!
5th Jan '06Kit orderby KSS
The Lent term kit order is now available online, log in and go to Members->Kit order to see what's on offer and place your order. Cheques payable to 'First and Third Kit and Social Account' to my pigeon hole (A.Russell, in the Angel Court mail room) as soon as possible please, and no later than the end of January. No money = no kit!
18th Dec '05Michaelmas Term Roundupby pks
Michaelmas term began very positively with JPMorgan approaching us with an offer of sponsorship. An offer gladly taken. The senior squads started training in fours in preparation for the University Fours regatta- with excellent results: victories in the women's 4+ and the Light IV (men's 4-) categories.

As the focus shifted towards the Fairbairn Cup, the squads moved into VIIIs, participating in the Autumn Head (men only- coming first in the VIII and the 2nd IV) and the Winter Head (men came 2nd in the VIII, women did badly coming 10th!). All our ardour and our coaches' involvement paid off: The 1st VIIIs both came 3rd in the Fairbairns and the women's 1st IV beat a very strong field to the Fairbairn IV's Cup. BPBC, as expected, made a strong Fairbairns appearance, with BPBC M1 defending the Inivitational title... yet again! Well done to all involed... a great warm up for Lents...!

Our LBCs did an excellent job recruiting the finest of this year's freshers intake into our novice squads. All crews showed great promise in the Fairbairns, with the women's 1st VIII coming 7th after not qualifying for the Queen's Ergs final and the 1st and 2nd men beating BPBC II/ Fat W1 and Fat W2 in Senior Fairbairns respectively. Well done to all the novices for getting involved with the sport. We hope you had a good term and return to row at senior level next term!

A great thank you to our coaches for self-sacrificing (and hopefully continuing) efforts, especially Iain, Henry and Russ! And JPMorgan for sponsorship and encouragement. Stay fit over the holidays everyone and have a good Christmas!

Ra Ra First and Third!!!

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