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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Favourite Corner? 

Favourite Corner?
There are lots of gentle bends left out of the options, but all of these require more turn than an Australian spinner. Which one do you like best?
Little Bridge  0%
First Post  9%
Grassy  27%
Ditton  27%
The Kink  0%
Under the Railway Bridge  0%
Morley's Holt  0%
Chesterton  9%
Simoco  0%
Churchill BH  0%
Elizabeth Way  0%
The Karussell  27%
Total: 11 members' votes
by bow monkey - Fri 24th Dec 2010, 12:17am
What criteria were other people basing their votes on? Mine was for the corner most rewarding of good steering, but I'm not quite sure what rtt had in mind.
by Thomas - Mon 3rd Jan 2011, 1:27am
The closest to the end of the course.