The Club's Results

Lent Bumps 2007

2nd women's VIII

Crew list for 1 race:

Coxed by: Damilola Dauda

Crew list for 4 races:

Coxed by: Damilola Dauda

Bumped Clare Hall
All bumps races should be like this.

On the wind, Iain called one length. We had overlap by the power call. Clare Hall finally conceded just after the motorway bridge.

Special mention goes to Clair for last minute subbing in, and to Ulrike who we hope is recovering well.

Looking forward to tomorrow. (Harriet)
Bumped Girton II
Girton acknowledged coming into first post. (Dubya)
Our start was good given the head wind, but coming under the motorway bridge we hit a massive gust that caused us to completely lose rhythm. At the same time, Clare were busy aiming for the bank, their bow girl having 'defended her ears' rather than take the first stroke. Girton were a quarter of a length off them when they managed to pull away, which left us feeling quite nervous. We seemed to be a length off for ages, but then pulled it back together and closed quickly just before First Post.

After we held it up there was lots of confusion about what had happenned, as New Hall II were still spacking around in front of Girton, their bow completely covered in mud. A few of the less obedient crew members refused to row until Jenny and John told us the good news - New Hall had in fact been bumped by Clare ages before but were having trouble clearing. Can't wait to chase them on Friday...

And in case anyone was worried, Dami and I got C6 :) (Harriet)
for "some of the less obedient crew members..." in the above report, read "the crew member in the three-seat began to panic that we might have been thwarted in our bump, and so caused a BIG fuss..."

thank you girls for having me in your crew, i feel very honoured to row with you all. i had fun, but i very much hope ulrike is better soon :) ! (Clair)
Let's take up the confidence from the AMAZING results in M1 and W1 and blitz these next two races. We are so capable of doing it, let's do it in style and make them proud. Woo hoo! (Jo)
Bumped New Hall II
Definately best row of the week and even shorter than tuesday. Awesome!

Yes, New Hall got pushed out by the outflow (this will not happen to us tomorrow, coz Iain and our bankparty are amazing) and so I just kinda concentrated on being in a good position to pull in for greenery. hehe. Didn't make a power call, totally unnecessary when you'd have bumped by the 2nd stroke after it. You girls rock. (Dami)
Wow those cannons are loud!

Luckily Dami didn't need to call much, just "wind 1, wind 2... and thats a quarter of a length, keep winding... and stop rowing!" (Harriet)
Yay! We bumped again. The start was better that previous days, althogh that cannon can surely be scary. Tomorrow we're right in front of it. Apparently New Hall's bows were not straight when they started, so they took time straightening while we went right at them for the bump. The row was short, but not bad. I don't remember hearing a power call from Dami, maybe because we were so close to bumping. Good work everyone, let's keep it strong for tomorrow! (Julijana)
This row felt really strong and confident - even if we were chasing a much stronger crew I'm pretty sure we would have got them. All we have to do now is what we've done the last couple of days. I'm very very excited. (Jo)
Bumped St. Catharine's II
Congratulations!!! (AmeLia)

Quotes of the day by Dami:

"Blades 1, blades 2, blades 3..."

After 2 bottles of champagne:
"Arrgh, there's a boat coming. I'm scared." (Harriet)
I cannot be happier! We got blades and a place for W2 in Lent Bumps next year. Our last day was the best row during all of Bumps, even though our start was maybe the worst, a consequence of starting right next to the cannons and the outflow. An excellent job by Dami and Iain for getting us straight. The row was a bit longer than previous days (though we always managed to bump before or at first post corner), but we went into it strong and confident to catch St Catherine's and win our blades. It has been a pleasure being a part of W2 and rowing with you all term. A shame Ulrike couldn't row with us for Bumps, but many thanks for Clair for subbing in. We justified our hard training and great motivation. Many thanks to Neil and John for coaching us. It has been trully amazing! More goodness to come in Mays! (Julijana)

1. Multi-tasking
2. The flag makes its f...
3. Crew photo with blad...